

Let me make one thing very clear: Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country. We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across the country – you are valid and you are valued.

Note the attempted deflections by Justin Pedeau.



It's not a protest against gays; it's a protest against grooming kids by pedos, and Justin and all his Pedeaux friends are for that. So is Jagmeet and the NDPedeaux.

NO wonder Justin Pedeau opposes the parents protest.



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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

How many of those kids do you think are being sexually abused? I don't have any doubt in my mind it's happening.

The reality is, the parents sending their kids there are the ones who are mentally ill.

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It won't be called "sexual abuse" it will be called "sex education and enlightenment"

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You're probably right. They are such wordsmiths and people are gullible.

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How do you know you are eg lesbian or gay if you have not gone through puberty

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A Message to the WORLD about the Missing & Forgotten Children of the Lahaina Maui Fire


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Do you all see now what the hepatitis B vaccine that is given to nearly newborns is for if not to create a paedophiles world?

Hepatitis B Information

Hepatitis B is spread when blood, semen, or other body fluids from a person infected with the virus enters the body of someone who is not infected. This can happen through sexual contact; sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment.

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I wonder how many of these kids are being groomed by their own LGBTQYXYZ parents. So ick.

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YOUR KIDS and the United Nations is behind it too.

International technical guidance on sexuality education

United Nations Population Fund

https://www.unfpa.org › files › pub-pdf › ITGSE

This revised edition of the International technical guidance on sexuality education was commissioned by the United Nations. Educational, Scientific and Cultural ...

139 pages

Find Dr Rima Laibow shes onto it! Here's one from bitchute


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God have mercy on us. Every time I see garbage behaviors like these I can’t help hearing that line from Ripley in the Aliens film: “Did everyone just get stupid while I was away?!?” in the back of my mind.(Paraphrasing here.) It’s plain child abuse and exploitation.

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Homo Clown Show


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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

It is just amazing to me what some people will do for money, its really shameful.. The news people you cannot expect anything from them, these counselors and parents are disgusting..

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Is Justin Pedeau one of the camp counsellors?

Pedeau Nation!

I think our governments are riddled with these types.


"Ingvaldson entered guilty pleas in B.C. Provincial Court in Vancouver to accessing child pornography and possession of child porn. He was also initially charged with two counts of importing or distributing child pornography. … Justin Trudeau and Ingvaldson have been closely linked since their days as room-mates at college, and after completing their teaching degrees they were both accepted to teach at West Point Grey Academy, an elite Vancouver private boarding school."

Both Ingvaldson and Trudeau were asked to leave West Point Grey Academy partway through their first teaching year.




According to InfoWars, a student at West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver B.C. signed a $2.25 million dollar non-disclosure agreement to cover up a scandal involving current PM Justin Trudeau. As reported in January 2022, the intent was to bury details of a relationship Mr. Trudeau had with a student while employed as a teacher at the academy in 1999-2000.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I just threw up in my mouth. Wtf is wrong with parents, has satan taken over their brains, I am disgusted by this. I swear if I had a child right now in one of these indoctrination camps, I would be locked up for what Id do. Stop sending your kids to public school and for God sake stop sending them to these tranny groomers.

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Ditto, exactly!! 🤮

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