If people are looking where to place blame it is the Democrat voter. Their no to low-information voting, voting based on manipulated emotions got us here. You women with your goddamn abortions! Enough already! Go get an abortion! No one cares! You’ll suffer the pain and guilt the rest of your life but don’t vote Democrat because of some bullshit idea that they care about you because of abortion. It is actually the opposite. They don’t care about women because they promote abortion☠️
Yeah that's the only thing I can conclude too. But does it ever occur to them that they could be next. That maybe one day their tony neighborhoods will be robed and invaded?
They do all of the jobs the American's won't do and then there is this: And now we know who pulls Trump's strings: But don't forget Trump learned a lot when his "very good friend" Rothschild helped bail him out of his impending bankruptcy while he was still building Trump Towers....i think from memory he gave Trump somewhere near US$ One Billion dollars to bail him out and finish the towers;
"i will forever be indebted to my very good friend" said Donald J Trump... the Income Tax for that he discounted twice, from the American Taxpayer - one outstanding Lawful Trial for that, to go and outstanding - Trump the guy who never paid any income tax, ever.
AND for every dollar the US taxpayer paid for the shots, Trump himself got I believe 10c back from Pfizer; this is from (former) US Attorney David Knight, which means Trump probably got the same amount back from all of the vaccine makers, so with a population of 328,239,523 in 2019, of which let's say, 70% were vaccinated = 22,976,766 x 10c = $2,297,676.60 cents every 3 months because they got a booster too x 3 times a year = $6,893,029.80 yearly free handshake - no wonder Trump did not want Biden to get "his" bonus - it must have hurt Trump like Hell that Biden was getting Trump's vaccine bonus each year, equalling $27,572,119.00 for 4 years - no wonder he wants to be the American President again, with his own Presidential income on top, from all other indirect lurks and perks, which were paid to his businesses, so they did not show up as Trump Presidential income.
Hell, you would expect Trump to tell all of his Republican Party to get vaccinated too, to keep his vaccines cash incentive up - hang on a moment, he did, although Trump was "never seen" to have his vaccines, himself and of course, Trump never lies, does he?
Not to worry though Trump, your now vaccinated followers, ready for their extermination, by your hand (Defense Production Act), dug deep in their pockets and have refunded you almost US$400 Million, enough to cover your debts and be home free, with all of your cash and material assets, at no cost to yourself, with your yearly 10c per head vaccines payment intact, if you can "just" be made President again and a fat payment from your Masters, below, for directing their vaccines policy exterminations, presumably - might even get "knighted", not bad for a Convicted Sex Offender and Felon.
Operation Warp Speed 3rd Paragraph down, contract signed by Trump, the only person with self imposed Presidential power, to be able do that, for the US Army.
And now we know who pulls Trump's strings “The masterplan [to vaccinate the world] was done by none other than the Wellcome Trust, NIAID Anthony Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (specifically Dr. Chris Elias), Dr. Gao from the CDC of the People’s Republic of China and a whole host of others who sit on what is called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board,” Dr. Martin said
The Alex Jones Show: Dr. David Martin Interview – US Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Programme Against The World (timestamp 16:43)
Biden was Pfizer's puppet - according to a whisteblower in Biden's office, Pfizer was in touch with Biden at least 3 times a day - I can't see Biden giving Pfizer orders, can you?
I can appreciate why Biden allows so many illegals over the border, can you? at 10c per head vaccinated, he can't go wrong, on top of his current vaccine earnings - knock regular American's off by vaccines and replace them with illegals, who work for practically nothing - win/win, who vaccinated, go the same way, eventually - keep the numbers up and the vaccines cash flow at 10c per head, in.
Once you are "vaccinated", you can't go back to being "not vaccinated" and whatever happens to your body happens, that was "Trump and Biden's deliberate genocide", which also involved you and which you volunteered to be part of.
As a "Confidence Trickster" Trump is in a class of his own - Biden just jumped on Trump's shirt tails and into the Presidency, when Trump lost it.
I wonder if Trump laughs himself to sleep at night, his followers "almost US$400 Million donated", given his thoughts on those who went to the Vietnam War and died, Trump not going, by ducking Call Up once and Biden FIVE times, according to Berenson? - but at least JFK went - PT-109 wasn't it, who RFK Junior is related to?
Trump or Biden for President again - Really?
At least RFK Junior does not need the extra 10c per head vaccines funding, with his running mate and will kill it and hopefully go after those responsible for your eventual, but Trump and Biden's, vaccinated extermination.
So with the US President getting 10c per head, it's not hard to work out how much your "Leaders" of your Country got paid, on the side either, is it? Just do a Google search to discover how many of you there were in 2019 x say 70% vaccinated x10 cents per head to arrive at a base sum x 3 times yearly including the boosters too, those people you elected to be paid from the Public Purse, huge incomes, with all of the lurks and perks, to keep them honest - much laughter - Honest - Really?
The facts, I feel, speak for themselves.
I always thought that the person elected to the Presidency had to be impeccable - something slipped now?
Just elect him, wait till he cancels Biden's exec. orders, stops funding war in Ukraine/Gaza, pulls out of WHO again, addresses border crisis etc. then start impeachment process over the rest - which I didn't read because it's far too friggin long. What's the alternative? Kennedy who's also enriched himself/CHD since covid scam?
It is not just about Trump, it is how the rest of the world will view America and have business dealings with America - we will view all American's as we see your President, but let's say that is Trump: Convicted Sex Offender, Felon, Confidence Trickster, Human Vaccines Exterminator and Liar - would you have dealings with someone like that, put your trust in them - I would not.
The rest of the world already views US very poorly, esp. since stolen election and installation of illegitimate gov't with a thoroughly corrupt and decrepit puppet at the helm. The only difference between Trump and many previous US presidents is that he was convicted. The others got off scot free. And no, I don't trust him nor any of them. It's a question of lesser evil.
They have been coming here illegally since mid-1960s. I grew up in CA and remember when this started happening then. I've seen a number of 60 million total have come here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was higher. Population of U.S. was about 220 million in 1980. Birth rate is said to be about zero since then, meaning babies have been born but not enough to keep up our population. This doesn't add up! Our population is now at just over 330 million, meaning there may be as many as 100 million+. In 1980 in California, 80% of the state were white people. Now it is 37% I've read. Just some statistics to think about.
You are absolutely correct. I am from California too and by the 70s it seemed that most of California had already been invaded with people from south of the border. And many of them were getting SS Disability checks shortly after entry.
Thank you. I didn't know about the SS Disability. I remember my senior friend was able to rent an apt and SS paid half of it every month - she was a senior, had worked all her life and was on Social Security. Everyone on S.S. could do that. At some point it went away; they gave it to illegals.
SSD is another story in its own right. Eligibility is determine by how many jobs are available in your geographic area that you can do. Example: If you are a 35 year old American with a 3rd grade education and picks fruit in Fresno and sustains a below the knee amputation of a leg but can walk with a prosthesis, you will no longer be able to pick fruit because you cannot climb ladders or walk on uneven terrain. But you will NOT be eligible for SSD because there are available jobs in your area doing other things and you can be trained for other work. But if you are a Mexican with a 3rd grade education and cannot speak English you are disabled because your inability to speak English prevents you from training for another job. So aliens are always at an advantage for free money simply because they cannot speak the language. It is a total mess.
I didn't know this, so thank you for this info. It sounds exactly right. The system is rigged against us. I think disability should be separate from Social Security which was only meant for retirement originally. Personally, I'd like to get rid of both those programs, there's far too much opportunity to rig the system and cheat IMO. Let Americans save for our retirement instead of paying income taxes - which is unconstitutional.
Yeah and that is only the tip of the iceberg. The one that really gets me is that there are 2 SSD programs: Regular SSD to which you are entitled i you have worked and paid. Then there is SSD under Title XVI which entitles you to an SSD check if you have NEVER worked or paid SS tax. All of the refugees from Iraq and all the other wars are directed to the SS offices by social workers to apply. It is basically just a welfare check in addition to the other welfare.
AND will continue until we can clearly identify who is behind the mask... the mask of various elite actors.... seems everyone just has a vague answer... imagine a prizefighter in the ring with just a vague idea of who his opponent is
If people are looking where to place blame it is the Democrat voter. Their no to low-information voting, voting based on manipulated emotions got us here. You women with your goddamn abortions! Enough already! Go get an abortion! No one cares! You’ll suffer the pain and guilt the rest of your life but don’t vote Democrat because of some bullshit idea that they care about you because of abortion. It is actually the opposite. They don’t care about women because they promote abortion☠️
Why is Congress doing nothing??
Because they don't care about us.
Yeah that's the only thing I can conclude too. But does it ever occur to them that they could be next. That maybe one day their tony neighborhoods will be robed and invaded?
They think they and their families will be immune from the increased crime.
Carjackings. Kidnappings. Home invasion. Robbery. Assault. Rape.
They do all of the jobs the American's won't do and then there is this: And now we know who pulls Trump's strings: But don't forget Trump learned a lot when his "very good friend" Rothschild helped bail him out of his impending bankruptcy while he was still building Trump Towers....i think from memory he gave Trump somewhere near US$ One Billion dollars to bail him out and finish the towers;
"i will forever be indebted to my very good friend" said Donald J Trump... the Income Tax for that he discounted twice, from the American Taxpayer - one outstanding Lawful Trial for that, to go and outstanding - Trump the guy who never paid any income tax, ever.
AND for every dollar the US taxpayer paid for the shots, Trump himself got I believe 10c back from Pfizer; this is from (former) US Attorney David Knight, which means Trump probably got the same amount back from all of the vaccine makers, so with a population of 328,239,523 in 2019, of which let's say, 70% were vaccinated = 22,976,766 x 10c = $2,297,676.60 cents every 3 months because they got a booster too x 3 times a year = $6,893,029.80 yearly free handshake - no wonder Trump did not want Biden to get "his" bonus - it must have hurt Trump like Hell that Biden was getting Trump's vaccine bonus each year, equalling $27,572,119.00 for 4 years - no wonder he wants to be the American President again, with his own Presidential income on top, from all other indirect lurks and perks, which were paid to his businesses, so they did not show up as Trump Presidential income.
Hell, you would expect Trump to tell all of his Republican Party to get vaccinated too, to keep his vaccines cash incentive up - hang on a moment, he did, although Trump was "never seen" to have his vaccines, himself and of course, Trump never lies, does he?
Not to worry though Trump, your now vaccinated followers, ready for their extermination, by your hand (Defense Production Act), dug deep in their pockets and have refunded you almost US$400 Million, enough to cover your debts and be home free, with all of your cash and material assets, at no cost to yourself, with your yearly 10c per head vaccines payment intact, if you can "just" be made President again and a fat payment from your Masters, below, for directing their vaccines policy exterminations, presumably - might even get "knighted", not bad for a Convicted Sex Offender and Felon.
President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed. https://www.keionline.org/misc-docs/DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002-21July2020.pdf
Operation Warp Speed 3rd Paragraph down, contract signed by Trump, the only person with self imposed Presidential power, to be able do that, for the US Army.
And now we know who pulls Trump's strings “The masterplan [to vaccinate the world] was done by none other than the Wellcome Trust, NIAID Anthony Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (specifically Dr. Chris Elias), Dr. Gao from the CDC of the People’s Republic of China and a whole host of others who sit on what is called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board,” Dr. Martin said
The Alex Jones Show: Dr. David Martin Interview – US Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Programme Against The World (timestamp 16:43)
Biden was Pfizer's puppet - according to a whisteblower in Biden's office, Pfizer was in touch with Biden at least 3 times a day - I can't see Biden giving Pfizer orders, can you?
I can appreciate why Biden allows so many illegals over the border, can you? at 10c per head vaccinated, he can't go wrong, on top of his current vaccine earnings - knock regular American's off by vaccines and replace them with illegals, who work for practically nothing - win/win, who vaccinated, go the same way, eventually - keep the numbers up and the vaccines cash flow at 10c per head, in.
Once you are "vaccinated", you can't go back to being "not vaccinated" and whatever happens to your body happens, that was "Trump and Biden's deliberate genocide", which also involved you and which you volunteered to be part of.
As a "Confidence Trickster" Trump is in a class of his own - Biden just jumped on Trump's shirt tails and into the Presidency, when Trump lost it.
I wonder if Trump laughs himself to sleep at night, his followers "almost US$400 Million donated", given his thoughts on those who went to the Vietnam War and died, Trump not going, by ducking Call Up once and Biden FIVE times, according to Berenson? - but at least JFK went - PT-109 wasn't it, who RFK Junior is related to?
Trump or Biden for President again - Really?
At least RFK Junior does not need the extra 10c per head vaccines funding, with his running mate and will kill it and hopefully go after those responsible for your eventual, but Trump and Biden's, vaccinated extermination.
So with the US President getting 10c per head, it's not hard to work out how much your "Leaders" of your Country got paid, on the side either, is it? Just do a Google search to discover how many of you there were in 2019 x say 70% vaccinated x10 cents per head to arrive at a base sum x 3 times yearly including the boosters too, those people you elected to be paid from the Public Purse, huge incomes, with all of the lurks and perks, to keep them honest - much laughter - Honest - Really?
The facts, I feel, speak for themselves.
I always thought that the person elected to the Presidency had to be impeccable - something slipped now?
Just elect him, wait till he cancels Biden's exec. orders, stops funding war in Ukraine/Gaza, pulls out of WHO again, addresses border crisis etc. then start impeachment process over the rest - which I didn't read because it's far too friggin long. What's the alternative? Kennedy who's also enriched himself/CHD since covid scam?
It is not just about Trump, it is how the rest of the world will view America and have business dealings with America - we will view all American's as we see your President, but let's say that is Trump: Convicted Sex Offender, Felon, Confidence Trickster, Human Vaccines Exterminator and Liar - would you have dealings with someone like that, put your trust in them - I would not.
Seek help for your hatred.
No need, I'm a foreigner who shares a similar language and I can't vote - I just want to sew a seed of doubt in you Trump Cultists.
Fucking foreigner.
Clean up your own shithole country.
You first shit head - make a postivie example, not the negative current one. Oh Goody, I do enjoy swapping epithets with savages!!
TDS on full display here🤡
"Christine" is a doozy...I called her a troll in another post, and she went full Karen on me.
The rest of the world already views US very poorly, esp. since stolen election and installation of illegitimate gov't with a thoroughly corrupt and decrepit puppet at the helm. The only difference between Trump and many previous US presidents is that he was convicted. The others got off scot free. And no, I don't trust him nor any of them. It's a question of lesser evil.
They have been coming here illegally since mid-1960s. I grew up in CA and remember when this started happening then. I've seen a number of 60 million total have come here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was higher. Population of U.S. was about 220 million in 1980. Birth rate is said to be about zero since then, meaning babies have been born but not enough to keep up our population. This doesn't add up! Our population is now at just over 330 million, meaning there may be as many as 100 million+. In 1980 in California, 80% of the state were white people. Now it is 37% I've read. Just some statistics to think about.
You are absolutely correct. I am from California too and by the 70s it seemed that most of California had already been invaded with people from south of the border. And many of them were getting SS Disability checks shortly after entry.
Thank you. I didn't know about the SS Disability. I remember my senior friend was able to rent an apt and SS paid half of it every month - she was a senior, had worked all her life and was on Social Security. Everyone on S.S. could do that. At some point it went away; they gave it to illegals.
SSD is another story in its own right. Eligibility is determine by how many jobs are available in your geographic area that you can do. Example: If you are a 35 year old American with a 3rd grade education and picks fruit in Fresno and sustains a below the knee amputation of a leg but can walk with a prosthesis, you will no longer be able to pick fruit because you cannot climb ladders or walk on uneven terrain. But you will NOT be eligible for SSD because there are available jobs in your area doing other things and you can be trained for other work. But if you are a Mexican with a 3rd grade education and cannot speak English you are disabled because your inability to speak English prevents you from training for another job. So aliens are always at an advantage for free money simply because they cannot speak the language. It is a total mess.
I didn't know this, so thank you for this info. It sounds exactly right. The system is rigged against us. I think disability should be separate from Social Security which was only meant for retirement originally. Personally, I'd like to get rid of both those programs, there's far too much opportunity to rig the system and cheat IMO. Let Americans save for our retirement instead of paying income taxes - which is unconstitutional.
Yeah and that is only the tip of the iceberg. The one that really gets me is that there are 2 SSD programs: Regular SSD to which you are entitled i you have worked and paid. Then there is SSD under Title XVI which entitles you to an SSD check if you have NEVER worked or paid SS tax. All of the refugees from Iraq and all the other wars are directed to the SS offices by social workers to apply. It is basically just a welfare check in addition to the other welfare.
Wow, looks like you've really done lots of research on this - I really appreciate you sharing this info. This is shocking!
AND will continue until we can clearly identify who is behind the mask... the mask of various elite actors.... seems everyone just has a vague answer... imagine a prizefighter in the ring with just a vague idea of who his opponent is