Alex Jones has a pretty good track record, so I tend not to dismiss his opinion no matter how out there it might be. He suspects that the government is planning to use the upcoming solar eclipse as a practice run for declaring martial law.


His podcast is long, but I was surprised that Newsweek mentioned it. (I was looking for a summary to link, and this is one of the articles that popped up.)

Just to be on the safe side, best to stock up on emergency supplies ahead of time.

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The lunatic Canadian governments are issuing decrees that businesses will be liable for retinal damage (photic retinopathy—my words not the idiot government bureaucrats') if they don't advise their employees of the potential danger from staring at an eclipse. Some companies are even buying special glasses for all their employees. Very few in this country have ever gone to a real school. We are officially a decaying, crumbling, empty carcass of a once great nation.

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Since Turd-eau is a globalist maybe he should be sending opaque visors to the two to five places that have solar eclipse somewhere on planet earth every year!

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Thanks Peter.

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You are welcome!

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