Thank you for the heads up. As with any site that has relitive free speech someone will try to exploite it. I find it usualy comes from lazy people that want to have an easy living without effort. Just like we lost our freedoms a little at a time we wont get them back over night. We are like the frog in the boiling water. so many are used to the lower level of freedoms it has become normal. At what point will citizens say enough? When the only path to freedom is violent. ---------- I, Grampa

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Violence has been perpetrated on billions of people via the experimental injections.

Unmitigated, pre-meditated and murderous.

First, the mRNA injections have to be shown to be random homicide and then, the perpetrators better pray that civil society and the legal process still exists for these bestial worshippers of Moloch.

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Thank you ... the problem seems to be that so many companies that exist on the internet use google as a way to generate more income. It saddens me greatly. Sometimes I like that when I visit YouTube (I no longer have a google account or a YouTube by proxy) they still know (likely by my device ID), what videos I would be interested in (mostly computer music related).

I like the technology, but very much do not like those that control and run the places. Places like substack/etc. need to drop these things and if making less money is the cost, then they should do that. It's like making money from those that intend to do you great harm.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

And right on cue it seems Elon is interesting in acquiring all our valuable information.


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Prediction: Twitter will be the everything app that becomes our CBDC and social credit score platform.

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Not if you don’t use it...

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Wow! Great catch.

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At least this forum appears not to be blocked en-mass by the Goggle/Facebook types...I have not seen my comments deleted from view so speech freedom seems to be operative. No doubt someone in the left wing Media is keeping each and every comment stored in a NSA memory capsule for future reference and provide it to your employer...I could give a rat’s-ass. Anything dealing with the internet is monitored by the thought police...good thing I am retired and independent...I so wish we could return to the 70s/80s where all thoughts were allowed and people were not so hysterical and paranoid..oh sure we had the Cold War and were still manipulated by a Deep Admin State..e.g. Gulf of Tonkin incident(we learned later..caused 50k Americans lost)..but look at this vaccine mandate/economic shutdown with massively more losses. The elephant in the room has become much larger...but at least here we have a view of free speech.

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Who started Substack and who owns it?

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Substack was founded in 2017 by Chris Best, the co-founder of Kik Messenger; Jairaj Sethi, a developer; and Hamish McKenzie, a former PandoDaily tech reporter. Ninety plus employees. In San Francisco. Twenty twenty one revenue = $9,000,000.

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I have not heard of any of the founders. Sounds like a great business model! What percentage do they take from an author's subscriptions? Do you know?

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Go here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substack

Click on “Finance” to answer your question. 🙂

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Oh boy!!

"In January 2022, the Center for Countering Digital Hate criticized the company for allowing content which could be dangerous to public health, estimating it earned $2.5 million per year from the top five anti-vax authors alone, who have tens of thousands of subscribers"

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Thank you! :)

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Is there another option other than substack? I'm not techie!? Or are all suspectable to this either way? And when I was on IG a few months back there was an IG page constantly showing the tesla driving on its own? I also have a buddy who drinks too much and he tells me his tesla effectively drives him home, so this linked article is confusing.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Instead of, or in addition to, substack, you could get your own domain and write your own blog. That'd cost you a few dollars, maybe $15US/month, and then I suppose if you want revenue you'll have additional things to set up. Substack offers convenience, and I guess a fair business deal to their bloggers, but at some loss of autonomy. Maybe someday, maybe soon, substack will become evil and the writers I follow will need to flee; that's a risk they take. (I am old enough to remember when Microsoft was the upstart customer-friendly option, against dominant IBM.)

As a reader, which is all I am here, I appreciate the mention in the linked article of rss, which provides a less (not "un") trackable option for reading substacks.

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Thank you.

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Really important information to be aware of on Sub Stack. We can assume that the main motivation for SubStack as a Silicon Valley Corporation must be on turning a profit. And your points on privacy are well taken. All in all though it is up to us to beware of the ultimate motivation of these corporations. The collective histories of these corporations are that of being well connected with the alphabet agencies associated with the deep state. Keeping track of our information for profit and to keep tabs on us in other ways are simply what these entities do. But believing these companies are all of a sudden turning into humanitarians with free speech their priority would be extremely pollyanna -like and unrealistic on our part.

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I read that one and try not to be too alarmed. At the end of the day the only way to truly avoid information being collected is to opt out of the internet and devices altogether. My substack is not going anywhere though I am aware that I should begin putting my stuff on multiple platforms to expand my reach. For those who are sensitive to privacy and data collection matters it is a good breakdown of alternatives...

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