Thanks peter, graphs saved and article shared.

The gradual rises before 2020, population growth related?

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Are you watching the latest act in this farce? Same old, same old. Gaslighting the public over the "spread from China of potentially new and deadly variants in this latest wave because they relaxed CoVId policy, the situation is being monitored for review of countermeasures blah blah..."

I only caught a few clips on YouTube as I don't have a television.

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When civilizations thousands of years ago presented a false choice we as human beings accepted. We exchanged our freedom - such as it was - for slavery and promised security and safety. This is where it has led us. They have always wanted to kill us but didn't have the technology to do so in such large numbers. Every single civilization has crumbled too dust leaving us all to fend for ourselves amidst the chaos. Thomas Jefferson was right in ways maybe he didn't even see or understand - "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." From our vantage point now it is clearly visible - the choice we have.

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Writes KW Norton Borders 29Dec2022

Comments - Some terrifying mortality charts for Asian Tigers and East Europe – which coincide with the rate of roll-out of C19 mRNA injections (substack.com)

“When civilizations thousands of years ago presented a false choice we as human beings accepted. We exchanged our freedom - such as it was - for slavery and promised security and safety. This is where it has led us. They have always wanted to kill us but didn't have the technology to do so in such large numbers. Every single civilization has crumbled too dust leaving us all to fend for ourselves amidst the chaos. Thomas Jefferson was right in ways maybe he didn't even see or understand - "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." From our vantage point now it is clearly visible - the choice we have.”

Thank you KW Norton – wisdom! Here is what we know:

Western civilization is now being victimized and potentially destroyed by two (or more?) huge frauds – the Climate fraud and the Covid fraud.

Both the ~50-year-old Climate (Global-Warming--and-Green-Energy) fraud and the newer Covid-19 (Destructive-Lockdowns and Killer-“Vaccines”) fraud are being pushed by the same self-appointed totalitarian elite, who want to rule us like absolute monarchs – the kings of old.

My co-authors and I correctly identified the Climate fraud in 2002, as follows:

The PEGG, November 2002

1. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.”

2. “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.”

– by Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian), Tim Patterson (Paleoclimatologist, Carleton U), Allan MacRae (Professional Engineer, retired (Queen’s U, U of Alberta)

I correctly identified the destructive–and-ineffective Covid-19 lockdown scam in Feb2020 and published in Mar2020.



Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH."


"This full-lockdown scenario is especially hurting service sector businesses and their minimum-wage employees – young people are telling me they are “financially under the bus”. The young are being destroyed to protect us over-65’s. A far better solution is to get them back to work and let us oldies keep our distance, and get “herd immunity” established ASAP – in months not years. Then we will all be safe again."

Six months later world experts published the ~same recommendations in the Great Barrington Declaration.

I advised our Alberta and Federal governments on 8Jan2021 that the Covid-19 “vaccines” were TOXIC AND INEFFECTIVE and that also proved correct. That was the second part of the Covid-19 scam – to peddle billions of dollars of toxic, ineffective injections that have now killed or harmed many more people than the Covid-19 virus.

I emailed to the Alberta government, other politicians and media on 8Jan2021:


There is no real Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 was only dangerous to the very elderly and infirm, and is similar in average mortality to other seasonal flu’s of recent decades.

The Covid-19 PCR test is not fit-for-purpose and provides many false positives.

Routine testing of asymptomatic people is a waste of resources and drives erroneous policies including lockdowns.

The Covid-19 lockdowns were never effective or justified. Harm done by the lockdowns exceeds by 10 to 100 times the harm from Covid-19. End all lockdowns now and do not lockdown again.

Simple, inexpensive treatments are known to save lives – Vitamin D, Ivermectin etc. Why are these treatments not being widely recommended and implemented by Alberta authorities?

The increase in deaths of the elderly in Winter is a well-established seasonal phenomenon. “Excess Winter Deaths” in the four Winter months routinely average about 100,000 per year in the USA and about 10,000 per year in Canada, as described on our 2015 summary of Excess Winter Mortality that includes the landmark Lancet study.

The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population – those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group."

We are in a fight for the survival of our civilization.

See CorrectPredictions.ca for links.

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Yes we are in the fight of our lives. Have written about this for nearly three long years.

Wrote about the "Smart" Cities today:


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Yes. On the plus side, civilizations rose up under rulers and systems that did not stress their people - even though they did stress those that were enslaved (one in 3 to 3 to one was a usual ancient slave to citizen/owner ratio?)

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Before we had fossil fuels and modern machines we had slavery.

Four barrels of oil is energy-equivalent to a lifetime of hard labor. That is what modern primary energy does for us, and ~85% of modern primary energy is fossil fuels – oil, coal, and natural gas. Most of the rest is hydro and nuclear, and only a few percent is wind and solar, despite trillions of dollars of squandered subsidies. Green energy schemes and the alleged fossil-fuel-driven global warming crisis are scientific and technical falsehoods.

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From the standpoint of where we are now I can't see that civilizations were ever a great deal to buy into. They always stressed their citizens - slaves and kleptocrats alike - when their grand schemes to rule the world failed. Death and decay on a large scale - now and then.

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Aye, here's the rub:

In the past, if you tried to go out into the wilderness and build your own paradise, some tribe would ultimately find you , kill you and yours, and steal and destroy what you created.

The walled city-states and villages were the result - these existed all over the medieval and ancient world - peaceful people banding together for self-defense. (Ref: "The Night Watch"- Rembrandt van Rijn, 1642)

Unfortunately, the baser instinct of much of humanity is to kill and steal rather than to create through hard work. We are now seeing that pillage return to USA cities - "rioting = shopping".

"Defund the Police", etc. Those who promote these dystopian concepts are criminals -the agents of our destruction.

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That is the accepted line of history which deceives us into taking the bait of civilization. History is vastly more complex and full of twists and turns than that cut and dried version. One of the reasons we are where we are today. Rembrandt was part of the European Romanticism which has got us into so much trouble.


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It appears that 2023 is going to be the beginning of the great die off. And all us Pure Bloods have a front row seats. God help us get through this.

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Some may say that my above "Depopulation" accusation above is unfair or excessive.

Some may say that the Ruling Classes of Europe are not deliberately trying to cull the elderly through their Climate-and-Covid scams, rather they are just so deeply inbred that this “error” is an unfortunate side-effect of that intellectual deficiency.

The counter-arguments are:

• The Global Warming-and-Green-Energy narrative is a fifty-year-old fraud, which we published was false nonsense in 2002. Others including the eminent Richard Lindzen at MIT were publicly doubting the global warming falsehoods in the 1990's. The warmist arguments were never credible, not even remotely so - they were always scary fictions with no basis in science.

• Uncommon sense says that no rational individual or group could be this wrong, this incredibly obtuse, for this long - the warmists knew they were lying from the start. They promoted their scary CAGW narrative for financial and political gain – “wolves stampeding the sheep”.


The big cull of the elderly of Europe will happen this winter – we predicted it in 2002 and 2013 – it was all terribly costly – in dollars and lives – and all entirely avoidable – a willful squandering of the lives of innocents. Crimes against humanity.

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Yes, keep in shape, well fed, rested and frosty! Hopefully, martial law under the DoD will have ended in February 2023 and the world can go back to normal. The scars will remain of course,

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Note: In Canada (and elsewhere?) Ivermectin was banned for treatment of Covid-19, because it was cheap, it worked and it proved that the Covid-19 "vaccines" were not needed. Turdeau reportedly has financial interest in a BC company that provides an ingredient in all mRNA vaccines.

For those who are Covid-19-vaxxed and worried about vaxx-injuries:


I’ve had success treating Covid-19 vaxx-caused chronic, significant bleeding in men and women using 12mg/day Ivermectin for 10-15 days. Both patients were medical professionals who chose to take the treatment.

The suggested Ivermectin treatment (FLCCC below) for a 100kg man would be ~25mg/day.

There are much more complicated suggest treatments here by FLCCC experts, involving fasting, Ivermectin, etc.



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I think (and have written about) how, we who survive, will be permanently traumatized by what we will witness in the near future. I wrote a short post encouraging my readers to watch “I think We are Alone Now”. I think (and my readers agree) that all of “us” should watch it.

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I wrote to my friend Dr Reid Sheftall recently (excerpt)

“I never thought it would be this difficult to stop people from harming and killing their own children.

It’s a horrific tragedy that I, and especially you, saw coming two+ years ago. As I reach old age (75), I find that I like people – a lot - and especially want the young to have good long lives.

This tragedy would break me, watching it unfold for two years exactly as predicted, except that I know I did everything to stop it from happening. I did my best, spent 5000+ hours on research and writing and talking to people who did not believe me - and may have only saved a handful.

At this stage, I still try to help, but I have become numb to the consequences. Tens of millions have died from the Covid-19 vaxxes and tens of millions more will die – many this winter – and it’s just going to happen.

Nevertheless, I am determined to choose to be happy, to enjoy the Holiday season and those I love, and to plaster a smile on my face until it won’t go away.”

Best, Allan

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Yes.... the journey that I have been on is similar. I made a choice to be happy for the Christmas season too. I got out the decorations. Thought a lot about Christmas past with the family. Thought about my mom and dad. I saved a few people too. I am an "eyes wide open" guy who always wants to know "really" what is going on, so I can adapt. Something was not right about my doctor calling me and telling me I was eligible for the vaccine because of my age. So I started to do research and it did not take me long to figure out that this "vaccine" was a dice roll at best. I started writing my SubStack newsletter a couple months later. My goal has always been to bring my readers into what I see as reality and prepare them for what is to come. I must admit there are people who are inhabiting our planet right now who I will not miss when they pass. With that being said, if things go the way I believe they will go... everyone who is left will forever be damaged by what they have gone through. This is what I am afraid of. I don't know how well I will be able to handle what is coming. And I am not sure if living through this will be a blessing or curse? Right now it feels like a curse.

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Best wishes Lawrence, let's hope for a better New Year!

Never give up! Never give up! Never give up!

- Sir Winston Churchill

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Best Wishes to you too, Allen!

I have never given up for almost 72 years now. I am a fighter, I am doer, and I still give a shit about what will be here when I am gone.

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