The “conscientious and caring Dr. Campbell”? He was a mouthpiece for the Bioweapon vaccines. I can’t swallow his months of advising, as an oops. And he keeps talking, as if a Dr. title equates with trustworthy. How many people’s lives were shortened and their families changed, forever? Oopsie.
Which Study is valid, scientific, properly administered and interpreted, who paid for it, etc.
Let us get off the Oops-Triple Dupedsie Yellow Brick Road
The Media will keep this data off the airways for 75 yrs while big pharma comes up with more goodies to end our lives earlier…I am surprised they have not outlawed cremation and the emissions and climate change stuff as the want to push another scam/scheme….casket costs will go thru the roof as will be burial plots…..Soylent Green comes to town.
The “conscientious and caring Dr. Campbell”? He was a mouthpiece for the Bioweapon vaccines. I can’t swallow his months of advising, as an oops. And he keeps talking, as if a Dr. title equates with trustworthy. How many people’s lives were shortened and their families changed, forever? Oopsie.
Which Study is valid, scientific, properly administered and interpreted, who paid for it, etc.
Let us get off the Oops-Triple Dupedsie Yellow Brick Road
My take.
The Media will keep this data off the airways for 75 yrs while big pharma comes up with more goodies to end our lives earlier…I am surprised they have not outlawed cremation and the emissions and climate change stuff as the want to push another scam/scheme….casket costs will go thru the roof as will be burial plots…..Soylent Green comes to town.
On step at a tim:
Do we honestly think the Biden got any of the real shots until they were determined to Arkancide him?
Just for the record as Biden is concerned- he's had two brain aneurysms, though I'm sure the half-dozen covid shots didn’t help.
For some reasn I keep rcalling McCain.