If it were ONLY snake venom peptides, an "innocent" purpose might be slightly plausible. However, the inclusion of SV40, HIV, e.coli, and a pile of OTHER deadly venom peptides, (34 at last count, including those from deadly sea snail, rockfish, Amazonian tree frog, etc.) it is quite impossible all of this was intended to "help" our health;-)

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Here's one that's confusing me and I even asked a friend who's a toxicologist about it. Snake venom tends to excessive bleeding. Covid tends to clotting. I saw Ardis's first video, and that's why I couldn't buy his story.

Any clues?

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Nope! Not a medic. Here's a theory.

Maybe thrombocytopenia cases amongst those injected is the common sign?


As I understand it thrombocytopenia is characterized by the low platelets that help clotting of the blood to "plug" blood vessel injuries - so a low platelet count = excessive bleeding and insufficient clotting?

Maybe it is a different kind of clot?


I am guessing though!

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Or... did the toxin producing 'COVID-19 like symptoms come from some other source in an attempt to validate 'COVID-19' and support the fear porn?

Come on people, they killed people using the Remdesivir cocktail trying to do the same thing!

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

This is a pretty random story but possibly your article holds a clue. My Burmese cat had cat flu when I bought him 5 years ago. His eyes were all glued together and had to be cleaned and moistened twice per day. He wheezed a lot. When he was 18 months old, and the condition had not been resolved- we were told it was permanent, he escaped his enclosure for 24 hours. We live in very remote mountainous and heavily forested area, so he could have gone anywhere.

I noticed him looking like a vampire the next day including drooling so does him to a vet.

As I suspected he was bitten by an Australian Tiger snake. He was treated and over the following two weeks his paralysis type symptoms receded. But that’s not the only thing that receded. His cat flu symptoms disappeared. His eyes do t stick together and his wheeze disappeared except for a light snore at times, but the infrequently. I was amazed that the snake bite or the antivenom appeared to be responsible. I’ve never read anything or heard from

Anyone with a similar story to correlate my observation

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I will just throw this in the mix:


"Draculin, the anticoagulant factor in vampire bat saliva, is a tight-binding, noncompetitive inhibitor of activated factor X"


"Factor X, also known by the eponym Stuart–Prower factor, is an enzyme (EC of the coagulation cascade. It is a serine endopeptidase (protease group S1, PA clan). Factor X is synthesized in the liver and requires vitamin K for its synthesis."

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The unseen battle for survival !


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Nice 👍 thanks!! We live on a old cabin and we still have woods around anyway we get bats inside the house couple times 😆😂 just imagine 💭

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I watched Dr Artis talk about snake venom in the "Watch the Water" documentary, it was pretty eye opening and who's to say it isn't in the bioweapon injections.

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Nothing surprises me anymore!

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