Sunday summary – the three legs holding up the literal stool of the Cult of Moloch – toxic injections, climate fraud and human trafficking (with some MAiD comment thrown in)
Well, not so much a summary as a brief 1,700-word brief opus!
Censorship and Death – just how many people have been killed by politicians who then conceal their crimes?
Here I will touch on just 3 of the tactics used by the Cult of Moloch (a group of probably just 200 key individuals) to inflict death, disease and suffering on billions of people. These 200 people have the wherewithal to employ maybe 100,000 sycophants and minders.
The three legs are toxic injections, global warming and human trafficking. There are others – such as the sexual grooming of children and the trafficking of body parts and aborted foetuses – but these are the most visible.
The three legs are supporting the seat of the stool – the UN/WEF and all the tax evading foundations, institutions and trusts such as the BMGF, Wellcome Trust and Rockefeller Institute – who have bought out every major health regulator around the world – coordinated by the UN and its several of its organs – the WHO, the IPCC and IOM.
We can gossip at another time about the “revolving” used to perpetuate the Cult – like Scott Gottlieb moving from the FDA to Pfizer, or Rick Bright moving from DARPA to the Rockefeller Institute (after nicking HCQ for Americans – who the hell is Gingko Bioworks?) and Jeremy Farrar moving from the Wellcome Trust moving to the WHO – and a host of others, including compromised Australian judges. (Gates and Fauci joint ventures?)
Remember that the mRNA injections are viewed as the pinnacle of success of injecting toxic substances into people from all sorts of “vaccines” – none of which underwent “properly powered” clinical trials or reflected the “adverse events” they caused – either in the short or long terms. Nor were these trials reconciled with outcomes – or numbers needed to “vaccinate” to prevent a clinical end point with which to compare against adverse events, or life years gained/lost, or QUALITY life years gained/lost).
Now that a Federal court in the US has ruled that the FDA is not qualified to give medical advice and that all health regulators, medical associations, pharmacies and administrators that followed such advice similarly acted “ultra vires” – it is worth reminding ourselves that the actions of these “actors” cost lives – on top of the trillions of dollars wasted by gullible and corrupt politicians.
Let’s look at the US more closely.
In the case of Ivermectin early treatment protocols, supplies could have been manufactured in the US or imported from places like China for around 200 bucks a kilo – each kilo costs around 200 bucks for “human” Ivermectin. Each kilo is sufficient for 50,000 people.
330 million Americans could have bee treated early ad prophylactically with 6,600 kilos for a few million bucks. Maybe a continuous supply every month for the last four years would have cost around less than 100 million bucks.
I covered it here – LinkedIn was not pleased and removed my post there – in September 2022,
(100) Not using Ivermectin is killing people - by Peter Halligan (
Which referenced this paper from 31 August 2022:
Now, consider how many lives could have been saved and infections “disinfected” had Ivermectin been one of the standards of care for prophylaxis and early to mid-stage cure.
Here is the current state of play as far as research studies is concerned.
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 248 studies (
Why bring this up again? For the simple reason that EUA for the FAILED C19 mRNA injections f spike venom is STILL SUBJECT to the “unless any alternative exists” rules.
Ivermectin protocols are such a treatment – so are Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) protocols – aided ad abetted by Vitamin D and other vitamins.
Compare that cost of 100 million bucks to prevent and cure C19 with the cost of 677 million doses administered up until May 2023 (when the CDC stopped reporting doses shipped – a billion doses) – and administered - 677 million doses) -costing around 25 bucks each.
25-billion-dollar cost for doses shipped and around 17 billion bucks for doses administered. No need for masks, lockdowns, social distancing, bogus testing, PPE, cleaning, loans to small businesses and so o and so forth that cost upwards of 5 trillion bucks over 4 years.
The injections are just a fraction of the boondoggle scam.
And there would have been no variants – such as delta - forced by the C19 mRNA injections.
The reason for the reported 112 million cases and 1.2 million deaths in the US?
Censorship and suppression - by commission and omission – the banning of the truth about the efficacy of alternative treatment protocols AND the harms from the injections.
Here is another man’s reconciliation of the excess 2 million Americans that have died over the last four years or so.
The Ethical Skeptic - Challenging Pseudo-Skepticism, its Agency and Cultivated Ignorance
“As of March 23rd 2024, there have been
· 691,978 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),
· 178,860 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 60,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),
· 374,778 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,1
· 372,247 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)2”
Here is a link to another man’s view of the lethal scamdemic that has more of a focus n HCQ than IVM.
Epidemic of Fraud Documentary (Official, English) (
You won’t find the above information disseminated or discussed via the MSM or the federal government.
Nor will you find mainstream media or government coverage of work like this:
I wonder where the updated report from Denis Rancourt is.
Lots of fact checkers have attempted to debunk Rancourt’s work, but none have come up with a rational explanation for the number of excess deaths around the world. Remember, 30 million excess deaths equates to 7.5 million annually – around 60 million people dis every year globally. Let’s not count the drop in births as deaths – but 7.5 million extra deaths a year – on a world population of around 8 billion – is a 12.5% increase. C19 is supposed to have accounted for 7 million of those deaths over the last four years.
You will also find no coverage of the environmental damage inflicted on the planet by the C19 response. Where did all the materials from those trillions of masks, billions of test kits, tens of billions of syringes, billions of gallons of cleaning fluids and trillions of wet wipes come from? Deforestation and massive amounts of hydrocarbon energy! Where did all the used “stuff” end up? Landfills, water courses and in the air?
(100) An Inconvenient Truth - by Peter Halligan (
Censored and suppressed.
The same is true for the “Global Warming” or boiling or whatever term is now being bandied about by the Portuguese communist running the United Nations.
The censorship of facts around the climate has lasted decades rather than the handful of years for the C19 scamdemic. It is a decades long indoctrination into the “faux science” of the UN IPCC.
Universities and “ginger” groups received funding – alternative and scientific evidence-based studies are not.
If you haven’t already, please watch this video – with friends and family!
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) English (
Censored and suppressed.
Which brings us to the human trafficking of the Democratic Party and global criminal gangs, co-ordinated with the United Nations.
Here is a link to a 40-minute video.
You can view the transcript here:
United States Invasion Route Exposed - Forbidden Knowledge TV
Let’s close off by checking out another example of acts of omission and commission. From here:
I haven’t checked the Dutch numbers overall or their trends, perhaps the Dutch publish more timely and accurate information.
But looking at Canada – I cannot find information on the numbers for calendar year 2023 for MAID.
We have this article published in December 2023 relating to 2022 data,
Skyrocketing MAiD deaths represent a profound societal failure - The Hub
“Last month, the federal government released its long-awaited Fourth Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying. The report, which aggregates self-reported data from practitioners involved with MAiD, provides a high-level overview of assisted death in Canada. “
Last moth would be October/November 2023.
“More than 13,000 people in Canada had their lives ended through assisted death in 2022 alone. This marks a 31.2 percent increase over the prior year and continues the trend of at least a 30 percent increase in MAiD deaths annually since 2019. “
Here is a link to the Fourth Annual Report referred to:
Fourth annual report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2022 -
But – even though we are more than three months in to 2024 – I cannot find data o MAID deaths for calendar year 2023.
How hard can it be to provide up to date details on people killed by the Provincial governments? The Canadian provinces terminate lives for whatever reason, report to the Federal government (to get money?) who can tally the deaths across the provinces ad let people know how “successful” their euthanasia program is.
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Great post Peter, useful info. Well, it would be, except my quad jabbed former colleagues have begun to die in great big clumps, of putrid compliant trash! Would say we "won't get fooled again;" however, we all know the lemmings will once again mask up and post The Next Fauci Ouchies with glee!
I used to truly despise the Eugenicist Wing of the Power Structure that takes turns bowing to Moloch and mRNA kill shot vectors, but now I wonder if indeed, a Mass Culling might not be a good idea.
My daughter is 18, and she finally had our permission to date, with one caveat! The boy must be a Pure Blood, with Pure Blooded parents. Took her a while. He's a great young man, they are in a well known Dublin College, annoying the living shit out of the jabbed! Proud Dad.