Great post Peter, useful info. Well, it would be, except my quad jabbed former colleagues have begun to die in great big clumps, of putrid compliant trash! Would say we "won't get fooled again;" however, we all know the lemmings will once again mask up and post The Next Fauci Ouchies with glee!

I used to truly despise the Eugenicist Wing of the Power Structure that takes turns bowing to Moloch and mRNA kill shot vectors, but now I wonder if indeed, a Mass Culling might not be a good idea.

My daughter is 18, and she finally had our permission to date, with one caveat! The boy must be a Pure Blood, with Pure Blooded parents. Took her a while. He's a great young man, they are in a well known Dublin College, annoying the living shit out of the jabbed! Proud Dad.

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Good on you and your daughter. All the very best to you.

Killing off the dumb is a trap that eugenicists have fallen into.. Without all sorts of people, there would be no common sense, just unchecked dogma of elites. like Gates.. I have found that each if us have unique talents and skills that may or may not be valued. at a particular moment of time, but ca be revealed and valued at sme point.

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