Many people think that insurance companies would want to be honest to reduce the number of claims. But keep in mind, they have no incentive to do so. They are usually somewhat "regulated" if you want to call it that. The higher their payouts, the more they are allowed to charge. So they don't really care how many people are sick and dyeing, so long as they can keep raising rates. to where it more than covers their increased expenses. And if they squawk too loud, the gov will tell them they are "gouging" and that there is no proof that there is excess death and injury from covid jabs, so they won't approve their proposed rate increases. The gov are the ones "adjusting" their rates, so they don't want to piss them off. They just keep fairly quiet and keep raising rates.

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My employers health insurer last year ran, out of the blue, a survey re staff health but buried in the survey were a number of very focused questions re the covid jab.

I refused to complete such but I was convinced the real reason for the survey was reg insurer knew there was a problem and was seeking to assess future risk/ premiums

Ed Dowd has been very clear about the actuarial data and it’s far from good.

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If they can't get us one way, there's always another! 😈

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