France set to 'throw away' 30 million Covid vaccines worth £522M after shambolic campaign


note the price per vaccine = £17 = $19

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OMG - that's black humour at it's marvelous best, Lawrence!

Evidently, no-one has opened his vials yet.

When they do - let's make sure they don't dispose of the evidence and dump then in the ocean!

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Every single person involved in this global genocide, straight into the ICC on Genocide charges.

"Trying individuals for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression."


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No surprise re: Canada. The federal government, and Trudeau himself, make money on every dose purchased.

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The question is: What tool in the Swiss Army knife will they use to open the vials? (Sorry... we sometimes need to laugh at this insanity)

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Interesting is also the huge amount of “unaccounted” doses, while the “authorities” want to tell us that the vaccination rate is 80-90% and that the unvaxxed are a “small minority.” 🤡🤧

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Richard D Hall has salvaged several vials of vaccines and is having them analysed:


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I can not understand so many... I have today met two elderly retired farmers, they stopped their car and announced to me they had just had both flu/covid jabs in each arm and said, "we feel fine, no side affects"... they know I have never had any poison and refused to listen to me re the ill effects etc., oh well we can only keep trying to give good sound advise with good intentions.

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we can only try. perhaps they will be amongst the fortunate ones who have strong constitutions. pity you can't make them some IVM apple pie! maybe that would help, haha.

there are foods that help. maybe there are clues here:


maybe getting them to drink pine needle tea in a sauna every day after work is not on the cards, but ingredients 2/3 down the page might work!

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WAS having them analysed. No response from analysers since July.

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I bet they have some nasty fermented goop in them... OMG - he will probably open a vial and "something" will be looking up at him.

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I just cannot believe the breadth of this scam! Thank you for your help to expose!

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Sure hope they don't dump them down the drain.

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Our next big fight will be for the safety of pure bloods. Blood & organs are tested for HIV, AIDS etc...but “they” are not testing the blood & organs for those that took the jab. “They” are giving these life saving methods to everyone! How many pure bloods are not pure anymore? What a disaster!

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There is another option for the 'useless' or 'unwared' vials - researchers around the world are desperate to get their hands on them to analyse them. Will anyone in a position to get hold of some, from wherever and under whatever circs, please try to gain possession of some and contact researchers from Front Line Doctors, La Quinta Columna, Stew Peters or other researchers.

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One last option, as symbolic and ceremonial as it is practical. A fitting end, to my mind at least.

The lot gets hauled to Ethiopia and chucked in Erte Ale...


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Burn Baby Burn is right!!! I would LOVE to see those vials of poison ☠️ go up in flames!!

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Much better if they were got hold of by hook or by crook and passed to researchers for analysis.

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Or injected into the Tyrants

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Multiple times.

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Ohhh I like your thinking 🤨

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It feels like they want to finish up with the covid 1984 story so they can move onto perhaps a better one to lock us up. I get that feeling from all of this plus they finished up the Spanish restrictions. I just wonder how they will dispose of this poison. Hope it doesn't end up in the rivers or sea!

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i defer to Mike (on this and other threads) on the disposal. Special incinerators that take the entire vials, glass, stoppers and all, and incinerate them, with no exhaust fumes.

I hope this is true for the less developed European, Asian and South American countries.

Canada will just lie, cheat and steal - that is what its fascist government does now under trudeau

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