Tales from the Dark Side – a pro-vaxx article that ignores any and all deaths and harms caused by the injections of C19 spike venom – A focusses on “Long C19” and not “Vaccine Harms”
The article linked below highlights the chasm between reality of the atrocities of the vaxx and the conjecture of those holding to a defunct and defeated narrative:
Towards Solving the Long Covid Puzzle (substack.com) (cross-posting from the article is disabled).
Click through for the way the English language is contorted until it is well and truly “tripping”.
Here’s a few excerpts:
“The Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier
A systematic study of people with Long Covid and controls, using MRI, brain-specific S100β protein, RNA-sea of white blood cells, endothelial cell response in culture provided new insights about the disrupted blood-brain barrier (BBB) in individuals with Long Covid and symptoms of brain fog.
They are well summarized by Prof Katerina Kezdoglou from the Gladstone Institute who was not involved in the study and is a highly regarded scientist in the field of neurovascular inflammation: “This study is the first report of BBB disruption correlating with brain fog in patients with long COVID by dynamic contrast enhanced MRI.
The MRI findings are in line with neuropathology reporting blood protein accumulation in brains from patients with COVID-19, and I expect that it will be the foundation for future studies at the blood–brain and immune interface for the discovery of mechanisms, biomarkers and therapies for neurological manifestations in long COVID.”
I wonder why there is not the same level of diligence from the authors of the report around the same symptoms in the vaxx damaged and killed.
There is another section titled “Persistent Infections of SARS-CoV-2 as a Risk Factor” – without any comment on whether the repeated injections of spike venom CAUSE infections and lengthen the duration of those infections.
It gets worse – of course it does. A section titled “Two New Reports of Vaccination Protection Vs Long Covid” has this:
“From a study in the Annals of Epidemiology, Michiganders derived an important protective benefit against Long Covid:
Long COVID prevalence was 40-60% lower among adults vaccinated (vs. unvaccinated) prior to their COVID-19.
This level of protection is consistent with many recent reports and has not been emphasized enough regarding an added benefit of booster shots. The data were previously reviewed on Ground Truths here.” Lighting up Long Covid - by Eric Topol - Ground Truths (substack.com)
Here is the chasm between reality and fabrication writ large.
On the one hand we have the massive rise in excess mortality in every country heavily vaxxed with at least the initial course of two doses. Around 80% of US adults completed the initial course of two doses – around 700,000 dropped dead in the last three years with AT LEAST 40 million Americans injured.
On the other hand, you have the “vaccine occultists” who state that all those who were killed and maimed by the injections were actually killed and maimed by the C19 disease. They will point to 90% of Americans being infected with 111 million cases and 1.2 million killed according to a diagnosis with a bogus test.
These are the battle lines. But champions from wither side will not meet in single combat to determine an outcome for all on both sides.
Here is a chart of C19 “cases” as determined by the bogus Corben-Drosten RT-PCR calibrated test.
United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - World meter (worldometers.info)
19.5 million cases before the C19 injections of spike venom, now there have been 111.4 million after 677 million doses administered in the US.
The Dark Side claims that this demonstrates a successful “vaccine” and point to the levelling off of “cases” since people stopped taking them as proof of their efficacy.
What is needed is a diagnostic tool that can differentiate symptoms from the C19 disease and the C19 injections.
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Peter!! A diagnostic tool was developed in Germany at least a year ago, and was initially used by Prof Arne Burkardt (and now by other pathologists) to determine the spike damage alone, from the shots; or whether the spikes are attached to protein, signs of illness. Prof Burkhardt passed on last year, but his presentation slides are often shown as examples.
International crisis summit day1 https://www.youtube.com/live/rwn27RSXdvQ?si=rE8QCdKGuzzDN-R-