Taxation by corrupt governments is THEFT – the larger the government machine, the larger the corruption – of course, the corruption manifests outcomes - increased fraud and SPENDING
From here:
Social Security Overpays Billions Under Leadership of Racial Equity Activist | Judicial Watch
The wonderful Judicial Watch team – famous for forcing States to clean electoral lists of dead and out of State voters amongst many other things – has exposed massive corruption of Social Security.
“Under the leadership of a noted racial equity activist the Social Security Administration (SSA) has mistakenly overpaid beneficiaries tens of billions of dollars, including a 65% spike in overpayments in one year.
In 2023 the agency with a stated mission of ensuring equity and accessibility by addressing systemic barriers to participation and a commitment to providing services to underserved communities made a whopping $23 billion in overpayments, according to its latest Agency Financial Report.
The figure is a marked increase over the already stunning $11.1 billion in overpayments that SSA erroneously made in 2022.”
The financial report is here: Full FY 2023 AFR.pdf (
Who is in charge of Social; Security?
Are people defrauding Social Security or is Social Security aiding and abetting the fraud?
“At a congressional hearing earlier this year SSA Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi told federal lawmakers that her agency is trying to recover the money by sending out millions of “overpayment notices” to those who erroneously got extra cash. Kijakazi said 1,028,389 people got the notices in 2022 and 986,912 in fiscal 2023, which ended in September.
Kijakazi is a renowned racial equity proponent with a storied career of researching—and tackling—structural racism and the racial wealth gap in both government and high-profile nonprofits.”
Hmm. A slight tingling in the “spidey senses”.
Check this out:
“In the new agency financial report Kijakazi reveals that in 2023 she began to rebuild the SSA workforce by adding nearly 4,000 employees, yet problems persist. “We made progress toward eliminating our hearings backlog,” the commissioner writes.. “
Ok, more than just a tingling of “spidey senses”.
“Equity” plus 4,000 new employees plus a huge leap in overpayments from an already whopping 11 billion in 2022 to 23 billion in 2023.
The sheeple in me says “she is really trying hard to rein in a blow-out”. After all SS spends 1.3 trillion a year – what’s 23 billion out of that? Not even 2%?
The cynic in me says “there is an organised crime syndicate making false SS claims. She is part of that syndicate and has hired another 4,000 people to siphon off AN ADDITIONAL 12 billion dollars in just one year.”
I wonder what the demographics of the new 4,000 people was and what their salaries and benefits are? Total package of 100,000 bucks each – including holiday, sick and pension benefits?
Spend AN EXTRA 400 million bucks on staff and blow out overpayments by 12 billion bucks?
I hope those extra 4,000 are making house calls. Somehow I doubt they all hit the ground running and stack up as “high quality” SS workers – after all SS employees 60,000 people already who achieved the lower level of overpayments. Wtf happened in 2023?
Her numbers suggest the size of the overpayments per person ARE INCREASING as she has had “success” in reducing volumes.
“Kijakazi said 1,028,389 people got the notices in 2022 and 986,912 in fiscal 2023, which ended in September.”
11,000 bucks per overpayment in 2022 and over 23,000 in 2023!
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Hi Peter, suspect you will want to listen to this interview, posted up today: - - our rights, who is right?
SSI, SSDI, and VACP is a set amount every month. It may fluctuate based on dependents or a COLA increase at the beginning of a new year if approved. I know since I receive VACP. SS said I waited too long to file for SSDI even though I have my 40 credits. I went through medical and financial hell for years. The VA gave me a total disability rating in 2020 right after I got my head above water. Getting VACP isn't easy or fun. It would probably be easier to get blood out of a turnip. Probably because it's tax free and it comes with many benefits. They even asked me about SSDI and I let them know. They told me they have never heard such a thing. Whatever! Anyways, when I see a change in pay rather it's a decrease or increase, I follow-up on it to find out what's going on. The government can pull the money back or garnish a part of it until it's paid back in full. I'm not buying all these overpayments. There would have been tens of thousands of people calling to find out what's going on. I'm not buying all these elderly or disabled people are all crooked. Something else is going on here. I think you're on to something. It's like every agency is now stealing and laundering tax dollars and nothing happens. But if you owe, you better pay. As Musk would say, "Fuck them!"