Hi Peter, suspect you will want to listen to this interview, posted up today: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/the-wuhan-coverup-exclusive-interview-with-robert-f-kennedy-jr/ - - our rights, who is right?

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

SSI, SSDI, and VACP is a set amount every month. It may fluctuate based on dependents or a COLA increase at the beginning of a new year if approved. I know since I receive VACP. SS said I waited too long to file for SSDI even though I have my 40 credits. I went through medical and financial hell for years. The VA gave me a total disability rating in 2020 right after I got my head above water. Getting VACP isn't easy or fun. It would probably be easier to get blood out of a turnip. Probably because it's tax free and it comes with many benefits. They even asked me about SSDI and I let them know. They told me they have never heard such a thing. Whatever! Anyways, when I see a change in pay rather it's a decrease or increase, I follow-up on it to find out what's going on. The government can pull the money back or garnish a part of it until it's paid back in full. I'm not buying all these overpayments. There would have been tens of thousands of people calling to find out what's going on. I'm not buying all these elderly or disabled people are all crooked. Something else is going on here. I think you're on to something. It's like every agency is now stealing and laundering tax dollars and nothing happens. But if you owe, you better pay. As Musk would say, "Fuck them!"

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