The only work that needs to be done is educate everyone you can to never take one again. Then to never listen to the governments and its agencies. It's all one big deceptive fraud.
It’s disturbing how many parents are still subjecting their children to worse-than-useless shots. I don’t feel badly for the adults who take the shots; that’s their call, but kids trust their parents, and the parents are failing their kids.
Department of Health Policy & Management, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University, TAMU 1266, 212 Adriance Lab Rd, College Station, TX 77843, United States
John - as an Aggie do you believe the bias in the reports discussion is a true reflection of author's views OR simply the price to get it past the censors so it could be published? Also I wonder if the liberals who say more often will force their kids to be V is just to avoid shaming and that privately they too are leery?
I know several people who think I am a nut for believing the shots are harmful. It would be interesting to know the actual percentage of the people who don’t sense that we are under attack. I have no doubt about doing things to get past editors.
I am not a Trump super fan and by no means an apologist for him but I align more w his ultimate policies....but I so believe Trump syndrome exists in that both sides moderate their public voices to avoid the shaming by the aligned institutions that have (maybe explicitly) consistently voiced over the past since 2015 - it played a role in 2020 how the public was manipulated to respond and then certainly in 2021 to now re Vax etc. Have you read how polling will under count Trump support due to this reluctance to be shamed - wonder how much that plays into the tamu survey and even the authors summary
The only work that needs to be done is educate everyone you can to never take one again. Then to never listen to the governments and its agencies. It's all one big deceptive fraud.
Much work to do. We MUST speak out, at every opportunity, and direct people to the REAL DATA.
It’s disturbing how many parents are still subjecting their children to worse-than-useless shots. I don’t feel badly for the adults who take the shots; that’s their call, but kids trust their parents, and the parents are failing their kids.
I’ve scanned the links. I can’t find the Texas A&M survey. I am a graduate.
Maybe you have access to tit via NCBI/NLM?
No other help than the embedded link:
Which has this:
Simon F. Haeder
Department of Health Policy & Management, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University, TAMU 1266, 212 Adriance Lab Rd, College Station, TX 77843, United States
That lab is 1 mile from my home.
John - as an Aggie do you believe the bias in the reports discussion is a true reflection of author's views OR simply the price to get it past the censors so it could be published? Also I wonder if the liberals who say more often will force their kids to be V is just to avoid shaming and that privately they too are leery?
I know several people who think I am a nut for believing the shots are harmful. It would be interesting to know the actual percentage of the people who don’t sense that we are under attack. I have no doubt about doing things to get past editors.
I am not a Trump super fan and by no means an apologist for him but I align more w his ultimate policies....but I so believe Trump syndrome exists in that both sides moderate their public voices to avoid the shaming by the aligned institutions that have (maybe explicitly) consistently voiced over the past since 2015 - it played a role in 2020 how the public was manipulated to respond and then certainly in 2021 to now re Vax etc. Have you read how polling will under count Trump support due to this reluctance to be shamed - wonder how much that plays into the tamu survey and even the authors summary
You are welcome.
I would hate to think that the source was not credible!