There is an open question about whether accepting blood transfusions from either C19 infected people or people injected with C19 mRNA injections could infect those receiving blood transfusions with toxic spike proteins.
Terrifying! That they may release these engineered organisms with impunity. What happens when millions are harmed? Oh well. Whoopsie! Sorry guys I was trying to save the world a little collateral damage should be allowed! I’m rich b’it€h.
ugh! well ,what's the difference in theories between GMO foods that we eat with mRNA instructions and an injection modifying our genes... tomaytoe tomartoe!
PH Thanks for all of your posts. All excellent, informative & educational.
The horrors exposed are beyond alarming & scary they're terrifying.
gates? Psycopathic eugenicist. Jabs now this insanity with mosquitos.
His mantra is death to humanity by any & all means possible.
The pure blood thing is a developing nightmare.
The known deaths from jabbed organ transplants yet another awful layer of medical negligence by default.
Terrifying! That they may release these engineered organisms with impunity. What happens when millions are harmed? Oh well. Whoopsie! Sorry guys I was trying to save the world a little collateral damage should be allowed! I’m rich b’it€h.
Skeeters AND taters (or lettuce, at least):
ugh! well ,what's the difference in theories between GMO foods that we eat with mRNA instructions and an injection modifying our genes... tomaytoe tomartoe!