The brainwashing of Ireland by the Cult of Moloch – the future for countries that embrace its anti-human dogma – Ivor Cummins “if I were to write a parody, it would be this" - but.. it's real
From this 18 minute video here (h/t Sherman)
UNMISSABLE: Main National TV Station Pumps INSANE Propaganda - ENJOY! - YouTube
The brilliant Ivor Cummins highlights just how far the sycophantic leadership of Ireland has fallen into the worship of the clutches of the worship of Moloch – and how fast Ireland is slipping into legal, moral and scientific decay.
Along with the Dutch, New Zealanders, Australians, Canadians and a few other countries, Ireland is reducing its livestock in favour of “rewilding” – which of course means fewer people on the land and more in cities – soon to be 15 minute cities.
Here’s an example of the insanity being perpetrated.
“I n a bold move to combat climate change, the Irish government will cull 200,000 cows over the next three years at a cost of €600 million, part of a broader initiative to reduce agricultural emissions by 25% by 2030.”
Substitute the word “bold” for insane and imagine what that €600 million could have been used for instead to improve the lives of 5 million Irish people..
Thousands of Irish people have already been butchered by their woke government enforcing the edicts of the Cult of Moloch via experimental C19 mRNA injections and over a million have been wounded -either already suffering or soon to be.
From here:
“Based on the Eurostat methodology, it is estimated that Ireland experienced excess mortality of 20% or more above baseline in April 2020 and January 2021. Ireland is estimated to have experienced excess mortality of 10-20% in February 2021, July-November 2021 and May-October 2022. Ireland is estimated to have experienced mortality below the baseline in 9 of the 34 months between January 2020 and October 2022.”
A great illustration of the term “I am from the Government and I am here to kill you”. The Irish people however are mostly oblivious to how they were culled.
The next string to the anti-human Cult of Moloch is to fabricate lies from whole cloth, in accordance with the “Net Zero” agenda of climate change. The government is seeking to brainwash the Irish using “faux science” that is easily debunked when you look at facts and evidence:
The entire premise of climate change is false and laughably so. Unfortunately, massive amounts of tax are being used to provide subsidies to favoured “cronies”, supported by draconian rules and regulations that precent people from going about their harmless business without the sycophants of the Cult breathing down their necks and looking over their shoulders.
The only way these Cult policies can be enacted is through BRUTE FORCE – abusing the legal and democratic systems by allowing the minority Cult followers to impose their insane will on the majority, who want nothing to do with them.
SO having been found out as mass murderers and thugs committing battery assault, the Cult is cranking up its next effort.
Net Zero.
With a focus on Ireland, Ivor highlights the replacement of dairy milk with slurry, laughably also called “milk” made from bugs. The Irish government pays farmers to get rid of cows and grow these bugs in barns to supply this slurry to schoolkids.
Enquiring minds want to know what additives are being used to turn the “bug slurry” into “bug milk” and what trials were conducted to see the effects on children, over the short and long terms. Is it an experimental process, akin to the mRNA injections?
This is straight out of the WEF playbook.
5 reasons why eating insects can reduce climate change | World Economic Forum (
“The WEF claims that bugs provide the same quality proteins, require less “care”, that we are running out of protein. Insects are part of a “virtuous” eco-cycle and you can “start small.
The last two are not reasons to eat bugs. Nor do the unqualified, incompetent bungling idiots at the WEF give any numbers on the tonnage of bugs needed to replace all the meat and dairy products for the world’s 8 billion people.
Of course, bugs still have to “breathe” – they take in oxygen and emit carbon dioxide via a different respiratory process than mammals, but there is no mention of the “carbon footprint” of bugs. Most of the propaganda around eating bugs points to their lower emissions of nitrous oxide, ammonia and methane.
So, when you view the video of the Irish barn full of bugs, ask yourself “how much CO2 is being emitted and what are the CO2 levels in the barn?”, along with questions around what do bugs eat and where does their poop end up! Most people avoid the rear ends of animals, but that all gets “mulched” in “bug milk” and other forms of “bug protein”.
Most bug farms breed mealworms, locusts and crickets, but not yet sun beetles and cockroaches, which have a similar potential as a protein source. You would never know if you were eating dung beetles by the time the “process” is complete.
Here’s a few articles that are used to promote the “bug agenda”.
From 2011 (note the omission of any reference to CO2)
Eating insects 'could cut greenhouse gas emissions' (
And from 2016
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Eat insects instead of meat | ClimatePositions
Reads like the rantings of hysterical deranged children to me.
Ok, back to Ivor’s video:
Quick note – Ivor’s contribution is in normal text and that of others is in italics. I have shown the first 6-7 minutes, the bugs and cows segment is later on.
From the transcript:
will we soon see green helmets being sent in to enforce climate action? well we'll see… a documentary just went out I got to share it with you it's a real doozy on my country's Prime television channel on prime time and it was incredible
I mean if you ever needed proof of the Colossal scam that's going on at the moment to see this documentary fully funded slick high production values going out on the main television channel to condition and propagandize the people of the country - this is it
so it was actually put together and all arranged by Mark little of kinen and they were in the news a couple of years ago grip. covered it nicely no one else would - they were given 120 Grand from the Health Service in Ireland - to Snoop on its citizens
and look for anyone complaining about lockdown Etc or any Sceptics and then in a Cyber attack when a member of parliament asked for the contracts and why this happened they said oh we've lost them all, they're all gone all the records are gone.
so you can just see the corruption it's manifest but any case this outfit made this documentary and it is stunning
I'll just show you a little clip now of the intro
RTE on climate for science week. climate the science. all the rainbow colors of WEF/UN and you can see the title there “tomorrow tonight Ireland in 2050” - so comical - but let's go on and have a little look –
“Now in 2050, climate crisis is the political agenda – the one challenge shaping every aspect of Our Lives after half a century of false starts and missed opportunities our leaders face a reckoning - tonight in New York in the coming hours every sovereign Nation on our planet will vote on the most radical climate intervention ever considered Welcome to Tomorrow Tonight”
like I said very flashy WEF/UN and you can see the propagandizing marionette there bobbing around - you can almost see the strings going straight up to the WEF/UN - kind of controllers - it's quite sinister - if not a little humorous - but let's roll on and have a look at some real doozies
“we'll go live to our team of reporters all around the world and Carla O'Brien will be drilling deep into the science to bring us a clearer picture of our journey to climate catastrophe we'll also be joined in Studio by experts in every aspect of the climate crisis so let's cross over now to the United Nations Headquarters in New York where Emily langa is standing by to bring us any news as it happens - Emily here is Emily”
but you can hear it there climate catastrophe all the usual buzzwords I mean straight from the top so let's hear from Emily in New York
“Mark the Swedish prime minister has set a deadline of 5:00 p.m. eastern time for the United Nations security Council to commit to her radical new climate resolution - will we soon see green helmets being sent in to enforce climate action I'll have the news from New York as soon as it breaks”
and there's the conditioning. the veiled threats - “you will in 2050 be facing the green helmets of the UN coming in to enforce” you know just a little bit of conditioning there so bizarre so sinister –
“our climate has moved from being temperate we now have - the Costa the Curracloe for example which is a huge tourist magnet – “
the cost of the Curracloe for people outside Ireland Curracloe is a beach that occasionally has sunny days in the summer and the 30 years time. it'll still occasionally have sunny days in the summer mostly rain - it's not going to change in 20 or 30 years we know that even from IPCC don't claim that the official climate body so this is utter propaganda you know “Costa Curracloe” you couldn't make it up but they made it up
“.. but there also been an intractable political problem that's emerged and that's climate refugees and they have come to Ireland in huge numbers and we have the likes of Dylan Walsh and others calling for a wall to be built around Ireland and that to me is the biggest political problem we face at this moment in time “
a wall to be built around - you see what he did just there he's dog whistling to the old Trump stuff pure propaganda and climate refugees they're already making mutterings about those right now utterly absurd
in 20 to 30 years time with another 3 or point 4 degrees there'll be no effective change that's measurable or noticeable in the world
I mean we have countless professors of climate science like Professor Steve coonan and many others that have clearly Illustrated 1.3 degrees extra since the 1800s and all we've seen is massive benefits and a slight warming mainly Northern Hemisphere and mainly in Winter
I mean to say this in 30 years time we're going to have real refugees - it's just absurd we'll just have weather same as we always had
“looking ahead to the future if tonight New York deadlock nothing happens this deal collapses what does that mean for Ireland in the coming years - yeah well look Harry mentions Curracloe and it's great that they have more tourists but we've lost all our tourist destinations on the west coast of Ireland and we've had to move all of Westport Inland because of sea level rise so we've moved all our tourist where the American come from “
Oh I forgot propaganda - so the Americans are always involved - we've moved a city in the west Inland we know the sea levels have not changed worth a toss in 150 years right? - very slightly and they're to do with other geological kind of movements to say in 30 years you've been moving cities I mean we've seen all the pictures and we've seen Obama and all the guys buying all these Coastal or Coast front properties –
I mean this is just absurd and yet sadly many people will actually watch this nonsense not realize it's pure anti-scientific propaganda and they'll actually swallow it up and that's why it's important that we get the message out on - disgraceful kind of propaganda Productions like this - because we need to let people know you are being duped at a colossal scale”
End of partial transcript.
C’mon Ireland, wake up and smell the coffee. You are being culled and turned into cattle to be housed in vertical barns. Reject the “trough of bugs” being offered and enjoy life as it should be, not of the lunatics that have escaped the asylum.
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The obvious solution is to cull/rid the world of the climate Nazis. Start in governments and work down from there. Time to let all the elites know that THEY are the enemy of the people and the planet.
All this malevolent insanity is ecologically, socially, biologically, economically and morally UNsustainable.
It will be a difficult and painful time as people come to slowly rediscover truth, morality, integrity, common sense and intelligence, but this re-emergence will probably be (one hopes) inevitable.