Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... then look at The Appendix.... FDA knew about what to expect: http://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download and look at Page 16, as of October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in the US, and by extension Canada and the world.
At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.
As with the digital currency issue - it is already endemic via electronic banking and payment systems - add the central banks to retail, in addition to the wholesale aspects already controlled by central banks? well - more centralization increases risks.
with health data, there are legitimate reasons to gather data. DNA sequencing is already widespread and voluntary for tracing a lot of "stuff" like ancestry, heart rate monitoring and glucose levels. etc..
The UK has been a "mongrel nation" for millennium, so it's data is valuable/useful to/for almost every nation on earth.
As always data protection - anonymising it - is already subject to privacy laws.
Will it stay anonymous? Are the public/private partnerships and private sponsors capable of nefarious activities? Well, yes - they make break privacy laws - but while they don't and the vetting process for who can access the data is also "decent", personally I see this as inevitable and valuable for global health diagnosis and health.
Maybe I am naive. Certainly anything sponsored by Pfizer is "tainted" for the private disclosure any information - I would keep them away from any invasive protocol to get samples.
Interesting that there is no mention of the UK's NHS and its campaign to gather stool samples of over 60's to check for cancer. (test kit sent direct to homes with a return post paid envelope),.,
The WHO is "owned" by corporates (BMGF/Wellcome/WEF). Further tentacles (CEPI, COVID (ACT) Access to COVID "tools" Accelerator) mean this slaughterous assault remains solidly instituted UNTIL IT IS STOPPED. And so many countries are described as "investors and partners" in the CEPI killer charade one would need not only to eviscerate the UN/WHO/WEF but also the governments of so many countries. For my money, we will eventually arrive at a point one might term, 'global civil war'. In the meantime, almost no one is awakening at the required urgent rate.
Peter, I have also followed Clayton Morris and his team intermittently for awhile. Forgive my ignorance at your comment; what does it imply? ~ "So does the US – Clayton Morris (?)."
I was not sure I transcribed Dr Martin's comments on cartels correctly, - i did not understand the reference to "Clayton Morris" in the context of cartels - piling on to the TEFU laws for the EU/
Hi Peter - is he saying anything new here? Just to save me having to listen to him. I skimmed through the 2 part presentation. In 2nd part he says the truthseekers need to stop the "infighting" over the "minutiae" of what's in the vials. Not important and no way to know for sure. Really?
I find that he brings things into sharper focus each time he speaks. So, although nothing especially new, it is a useful reminder and many want to know the answer to the question "why?" who may not have heard him - it seems there has been something of a blackout Stateside.
There seems to be less censorship on youtube these days. E.g. this
still gets this "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines
Learn more".
Whether he is leading up the garden path? Well, he references every claim he makes to source documents and to statures/laws.
I do wonder at the progress of the legal cases he has on the go. The case he is making could be at least brought to the ICC in den Haag?
Incidentally, I don't think he quite gets how the IMF is separate and distinct from the UN, the World Bank and the IFC. The IMF imposes changes to spending patterns of failed (mostly third world) countries using SDR's
The World Bank (full title "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development" usually lends to third world countries to fund specific large infrastructure projects like roads, dams etc.
The IfC is a subsidiary of the World Bank.
Not to be conffused with the central bankers central bank the BIS.
There will be cross over and this may have been polluted/corrupted over the last few years by those who have corrupted the UN/WHO etc.
Re. your claim he's confused over roles of WB, IMF etc. see PDF I linked:
From DM's bio: "He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments."
A few more quotes from PDF (info & commentary taken from DM's bio, M-CAM & other DM websites):
"He is the creator of the world’s first quantitative public equity index – the CNBC IQ100 powered by M·CAM. The CNBC IQ 100 is an exclusive, data-driven index of the 100 large-cap companies best using technology to invest in and profit from new business opportunities. Look at the companies in this index. Among them you will find companies like Amazon, Apple, Chevron, CitiGroup, JP Morgan, Clorox, Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, MasterCard, Visa, and more. Now remember, this CNBC index, is powered by M-SCAM International – which is David’s company. He’s the Founder and CEO. In other words, if Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and these other companies do well, then David’s index also does well."
"[One of DMs projects] seeks to bring the advantages of the open source software development model [for, inter alia] carbon-free energy.
"If David were really working for the people and against the globalists’ agendas, would the UN make him the Chair of Economic Innovation for the Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization, an organization that has explicitly expressed their intention to advance these agendas?"
I hope this has sparked your interest and that you will read the rest.
I doubt he confuses roles of UN, IMF ... Has probably consulted for both. The PDF is very thorough on his professional background and takes a lot of info from his own numerous websites. As for bringing things into sharper focus every time he speaks, beg to differ. It's only now, for example, that he's clarifying what he means by "replication defective", not that we didn't know, but did he? Because if he did, many things he's claimed in the past don't make sense. Of course he did know. And now we're being introduced to the "virus within a virus" concept. Of course he's never been clear on the virus issue either. I've worked as both translator and interpreter and I can assure you I would ask for double to interpret this man. He's not at all clear, but clearly an obfuscator.
Hi Peter, thanks! David Martin's presentation is begging to be shared far and wide, as David relays much history behind how this eugenics-based "population control plan" was spawned, nurtured for several decades, then allowed to happen. Not much repeat of earlier presentations; David highlights numerous ironies, storyline inconsistencies, he gives a comprehensive view beyond his more focused presentations of the past 2-1/2 yrs.
Bingo?!? However, this reads a bit like sour grapes, yes? You can also read amazing stuff posted by Reuters news agency about Dr Mike Yeadon. I call these half-baked slander pieces, some truths always carefully mixed in with distortions, making it difficult for any cursory reader to spot the ruse. It takes careful attention, reading/watching to get familiar with details. What about Prof. Bhakdi, one of the top immunologists, being asked to leave his professional organization in Germany? How about the slanderous takedown of Prof Desmet’s work on Mass Formation? You may have missed these not so subtle changes over the past 3 years or longer, an army of paid writers have been producing all manner of pieces about Del BigTree, RFK Jr. and Dr. Robert Malone. You want more dirt? People with special access have edited Wikipedia pages adding distorted information under targeted people’s pages, yet the targeted person is locked out from fixing or correcting their own personal descriptions! Many doctors who have questioned authority and subsequently lost their jobs, or people who have blown the whistle on Pfizer, like Brooke Jackson, have been mercilessly slandered online - could easily spot errors about Prof Delores Cahill in the 48 page pdf; sadly, these days, it’s a neverending issue. Attention to detail is needed to spot distorted or injections of false info., these writers are crafty but after you spot similar manipulation, the writing formula gets easier to see. Unfortunately, these pieces are expected to get more prolific, intended to confuse people as the cabal becomes more aggressive. It’s certainly a challenge living in interesting times. More changes are afoot, keep reading, question everything. It’s up to you to determine what resonates for you, or not.
I was referring to David Martin, principal subject of the article, not the others you mention. The article was based on Martin's own bio & websites. It was not a "slander piece" with "some truth carefully mixed in with distortions". I'd seen through Martin long before reading the article. I only delved into him after PH's previous article on him earlier this year. I noted the author referred to the MDGs/"Shaping the 21st Century". These were formulated by the Development Assistance Committee under its President of the time, James Michel, for endorsement by UN. As Committee Secretary, one of my duties was to monitor members' activity proposals to ensure they conformed to MDGs (nothing nefarious about them btw, that came much later) and to edit the annual DAC report. So I am no "cursory reader" and attention to detail is my specialty. Your comment on wiki made me chuckle. It's not "people with special access" distorting targeted individuals' pages, but the implementation of the official policy narrative by wiki itself. It's been going on for many years and it's why wiki co-founder Larry Sanger left in early 2000s.
We know enough about the history, how/why/when the depop plan was hatched. Time now to work out how this is killing people - what Martin considers "minutiae" - and, crucially, how to get rid of it. Notice he put Ardis' shaky snake venom hypothesis in same basket as the microscopists' absolute proof of what's in the vials and the blood. Cholesterol crystals or Metal-organic Frameworks/MoFs, who cares, nothing to quibble over. GO/no GO, there deliberately, accidentally? Totally irrelevant. Virus/no virus ditto. Let's all just sit back and be entertained by this man.
I have no doubt that if the "movement" possessed his oratory skills in their respective areas, the case to eliminate the crime cartel consisting of the WEF/WHO/BMGF/Rockefellers/Wellcome Trust/Baric/Daszak et al would be further along.
Elements of all the many prongs of attack against the DoD controlled shell companies like Moderna and the "liability protections" for Pfizer are developing and I think will soon gel into a successful outcome in a global precedent setting court - maybe in Puerto Rico in a few days, maybe in Australia or from a surprise source - like BioNTech being successfully prosecuted in Germany.
Certainly the US system is the toughest nut to crack - but once other countries successfully prosecute - well the odious US edifice will be destroyed, either by fresh legislation or repeal of, for example, the Prep Act.
The "zeitgeist" of humanity increasingly understands the mass murder and maiming they have been subjected to and "whodunnit".
Each of the high profile individuals from Fauci to Gates to Schwab to Gottlieb to Baric to Dasazk and all those others mentioned by Doctor Martin need to be tried - that will be the end - then maybe someone will advance the cause that ALL medical devices and molecules AHOULD NOT be able to be patented. Chance would be a fine thing, one mountain at a time, right?
I'm totally fine with the guilty being judged and punished for enhancing a deadly pathogen, if that's his proposed angle of attack. That would make their trial all the more entertaining as their only line of defence would be to admit that even the CDC has provided no proof that SARS-CoV2 exists. That's the only way to bring the criminal cartel down once and for all. But in that case Martin would lose wouldn't he? Hence his ambiguity, obfuscation and verbalism. My impression is he has no interest in taking the criminals down and they know it, otherwise he'd be a goner. I also doubt he'd be in favour of banning patenting of medical devices given he holds several such patents - if you can believe his bio.
All you need to know is this (Pfizer's OWN safety data they DEMANDED to keep SECRET for 75 years): https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf
Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... then look at The Appendix.... FDA knew about what to expect: http://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download and look at Page 16, as of October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in the US, and by extension Canada and the world.
As a result, at 1% reporting (https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf Page 6, paragraph 3), here are the stats for the US... (while the EU's stats are showing OVER 50,000 DEAD from the mRNA so far!): https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data - Open VAERS data, most recent
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6-QDVYbv8 - one of the "experts"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNc9PqIZ31M - Bill Gates says: “SADLY” Omicron is a type of a vaccine
At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.
Mr. Peter have you seen this https://rumble.com/v3t3btk-researched-from-around-the-worldwhere-does-your-data-go-uk-column-news.html
As always, there is a "dark" and a "light" side.
As with the digital currency issue - it is already endemic via electronic banking and payment systems - add the central banks to retail, in addition to the wholesale aspects already controlled by central banks? well - more centralization increases risks.
with health data, there are legitimate reasons to gather data. DNA sequencing is already widespread and voluntary for tracing a lot of "stuff" like ancestry, heart rate monitoring and glucose levels. etc..
The UK has been a "mongrel nation" for millennium, so it's data is valuable/useful to/for almost every nation on earth.
As always data protection - anonymising it - is already subject to privacy laws.
Will it stay anonymous? Are the public/private partnerships and private sponsors capable of nefarious activities? Well, yes - they make break privacy laws - but while they don't and the vetting process for who can access the data is also "decent", personally I see this as inevitable and valuable for global health diagnosis and health.
Maybe I am naive. Certainly anything sponsored by Pfizer is "tainted" for the private disclosure any information - I would keep them away from any invasive protocol to get samples.
Interesting that there is no mention of the UK's NHS and its campaign to gather stool samples of over 60's to check for cancer. (test kit sent direct to homes with a return post paid envelope),.,
The WHO is "owned" by corporates (BMGF/Wellcome/WEF). Further tentacles (CEPI, COVID (ACT) Access to COVID "tools" Accelerator) mean this slaughterous assault remains solidly instituted UNTIL IT IS STOPPED. And so many countries are described as "investors and partners" in the CEPI killer charade one would need not only to eviscerate the UN/WHO/WEF but also the governments of so many countries. For my money, we will eventually arrive at a point one might term, 'global civil war'. In the meantime, almost no one is awakening at the required urgent rate.
Peter, I have also followed Clayton Morris and his team intermittently for awhile. Forgive my ignorance at your comment; what does it imply? ~ "So does the US – Clayton Morris (?)."
I was not sure I transcribed Dr Martin's comments on cartels correctly, - i did not understand the reference to "Clayton Morris" in the context of cartels - piling on to the TEFU laws for the EU/
I assumed it was an indirect reference and that I missed the intended meaning..
American cartel laws are here:
Hi Peter - is he saying anything new here? Just to save me having to listen to him. I skimmed through the 2 part presentation. In 2nd part he says the truthseekers need to stop the "infighting" over the "minutiae" of what's in the vials. Not important and no way to know for sure. Really?
I know you're a fan of Martin but I have the feeling he's leading us up the garden path. Interesting article on him here - https://fakeologist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/WHO-IS-DAVID-E.-MARTIN-.pdf
I find that he brings things into sharper focus each time he speaks. So, although nothing especially new, it is a useful reminder and many want to know the answer to the question "why?" who may not have heard him - it seems there has been something of a blackout Stateside.
There seems to be less censorship on youtube these days. E.g. this
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnEd2CWY2wo
still gets this "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines
Learn more".
Whether he is leading up the garden path? Well, he references every claim he makes to source documents and to statures/laws.
I do wonder at the progress of the legal cases he has on the go. The case he is making could be at least brought to the ICC in den Haag?
Incidentally, I don't think he quite gets how the IMF is separate and distinct from the UN, the World Bank and the IFC. The IMF imposes changes to spending patterns of failed (mostly third world) countries using SDR's
The World Bank (full title "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development" usually lends to third world countries to fund specific large infrastructure projects like roads, dams etc.
The IfC is a subsidiary of the World Bank.
Not to be conffused with the central bankers central bank the BIS.
There will be cross over and this may have been polluted/corrupted over the last few years by those who have corrupted the UN/WHO etc.
Re. your claim he's confused over roles of WB, IMF etc. see PDF I linked:
From DM's bio: "He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments."
A few more quotes from PDF (info & commentary taken from DM's bio, M-CAM & other DM websites):
"He is the creator of the world’s first quantitative public equity index – the CNBC IQ100 powered by M·CAM. The CNBC IQ 100 is an exclusive, data-driven index of the 100 large-cap companies best using technology to invest in and profit from new business opportunities. Look at the companies in this index. Among them you will find companies like Amazon, Apple, Chevron, CitiGroup, JP Morgan, Clorox, Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, MasterCard, Visa, and more. Now remember, this CNBC index, is powered by M-SCAM International – which is David’s company. He’s the Founder and CEO. In other words, if Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and these other companies do well, then David’s index also does well."
"[One of DMs projects] seeks to bring the advantages of the open source software development model [for, inter alia] carbon-free energy.
"If David were really working for the people and against the globalists’ agendas, would the UN make him the Chair of Economic Innovation for the Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization, an organization that has explicitly expressed their intention to advance these agendas?"
I hope this has sparked your interest and that you will read the rest.
I doubt he confuses roles of UN, IMF ... Has probably consulted for both. The PDF is very thorough on his professional background and takes a lot of info from his own numerous websites. As for bringing things into sharper focus every time he speaks, beg to differ. It's only now, for example, that he's clarifying what he means by "replication defective", not that we didn't know, but did he? Because if he did, many things he's claimed in the past don't make sense. Of course he did know. And now we're being introduced to the "virus within a virus" concept. Of course he's never been clear on the virus issue either. I've worked as both translator and interpreter and I can assure you I would ask for double to interpret this man. He's not at all clear, but clearly an obfuscator.
Hi Peter, thanks! David Martin's presentation is begging to be shared far and wide, as David relays much history behind how this eugenics-based "population control plan" was spawned, nurtured for several decades, then allowed to happen. Not much repeat of earlier presentations; David highlights numerous ironies, storyline inconsistencies, he gives a comprehensive view beyond his more focused presentations of the past 2-1/2 yrs.
See also my comments to PH above - or read the PDF for yourself - https://fakeologist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/WHO-IS-DAVID-E.-MARTIN-.pdf
Great read!
Yes!I I've been very skeptical about him from the start as for the 100's of others I do not trust and that rub me being 'controlled opposition'!..
..as of right now I trust NO one ..except my Lord Jesus Christ!!
Bingo?!? However, this reads a bit like sour grapes, yes? You can also read amazing stuff posted by Reuters news agency about Dr Mike Yeadon. I call these half-baked slander pieces, some truths always carefully mixed in with distortions, making it difficult for any cursory reader to spot the ruse. It takes careful attention, reading/watching to get familiar with details. What about Prof. Bhakdi, one of the top immunologists, being asked to leave his professional organization in Germany? How about the slanderous takedown of Prof Desmet’s work on Mass Formation? You may have missed these not so subtle changes over the past 3 years or longer, an army of paid writers have been producing all manner of pieces about Del BigTree, RFK Jr. and Dr. Robert Malone. You want more dirt? People with special access have edited Wikipedia pages adding distorted information under targeted people’s pages, yet the targeted person is locked out from fixing or correcting their own personal descriptions! Many doctors who have questioned authority and subsequently lost their jobs, or people who have blown the whistle on Pfizer, like Brooke Jackson, have been mercilessly slandered online - could easily spot errors about Prof Delores Cahill in the 48 page pdf; sadly, these days, it’s a neverending issue. Attention to detail is needed to spot distorted or injections of false info., these writers are crafty but after you spot similar manipulation, the writing formula gets easier to see. Unfortunately, these pieces are expected to get more prolific, intended to confuse people as the cabal becomes more aggressive. It’s certainly a challenge living in interesting times. More changes are afoot, keep reading, question everything. It’s up to you to determine what resonates for you, or not.
I was referring to David Martin, principal subject of the article, not the others you mention. The article was based on Martin's own bio & websites. It was not a "slander piece" with "some truth carefully mixed in with distortions". I'd seen through Martin long before reading the article. I only delved into him after PH's previous article on him earlier this year. I noted the author referred to the MDGs/"Shaping the 21st Century". These were formulated by the Development Assistance Committee under its President of the time, James Michel, for endorsement by UN. As Committee Secretary, one of my duties was to monitor members' activity proposals to ensure they conformed to MDGs (nothing nefarious about them btw, that came much later) and to edit the annual DAC report. So I am no "cursory reader" and attention to detail is my specialty. Your comment on wiki made me chuckle. It's not "people with special access" distorting targeted individuals' pages, but the implementation of the official policy narrative by wiki itself. It's been going on for many years and it's why wiki co-founder Larry Sanger left in early 2000s.
Here's the author of that strange David Martin pdf document, in case you are interested!! https://oneradionetwork.com/all-shows/tim-of-fakeologist-takes-tin-foil-hat-memes-to-a-whole-other-level-march-14-2023/ - - Alex Jones Tim is not!
You're clutching at straws there Sherman
We know enough about the history, how/why/when the depop plan was hatched. Time now to work out how this is killing people - what Martin considers "minutiae" - and, crucially, how to get rid of it. Notice he put Ardis' shaky snake venom hypothesis in same basket as the microscopists' absolute proof of what's in the vials and the blood. Cholesterol crystals or Metal-organic Frameworks/MoFs, who cares, nothing to quibble over. GO/no GO, there deliberately, accidentally? Totally irrelevant. Virus/no virus ditto. Let's all just sit back and be entertained by this man.
I have no doubt that if the "movement" possessed his oratory skills in their respective areas, the case to eliminate the crime cartel consisting of the WEF/WHO/BMGF/Rockefellers/Wellcome Trust/Baric/Daszak et al would be further along.
Elements of all the many prongs of attack against the DoD controlled shell companies like Moderna and the "liability protections" for Pfizer are developing and I think will soon gel into a successful outcome in a global precedent setting court - maybe in Puerto Rico in a few days, maybe in Australia or from a surprise source - like BioNTech being successfully prosecuted in Germany.
Certainly the US system is the toughest nut to crack - but once other countries successfully prosecute - well the odious US edifice will be destroyed, either by fresh legislation or repeal of, for example, the Prep Act.
The "zeitgeist" of humanity increasingly understands the mass murder and maiming they have been subjected to and "whodunnit".
Each of the high profile individuals from Fauci to Gates to Schwab to Gottlieb to Baric to Dasazk and all those others mentioned by Doctor Martin need to be tried - that will be the end - then maybe someone will advance the cause that ALL medical devices and molecules AHOULD NOT be able to be patented. Chance would be a fine thing, one mountain at a time, right?
I'm totally fine with the guilty being judged and punished for enhancing a deadly pathogen, if that's his proposed angle of attack. That would make their trial all the more entertaining as their only line of defence would be to admit that even the CDC has provided no proof that SARS-CoV2 exists. That's the only way to bring the criminal cartel down once and for all. But in that case Martin would lose wouldn't he? Hence his ambiguity, obfuscation and verbalism. My impression is he has no interest in taking the criminals down and they know it, otherwise he'd be a goner. I also doubt he'd be in favour of banning patenting of medical devices given he holds several such patents - if you can believe his bio.