So you got the Sword of Damocles adverse reactions hanging over the health of the “injected” and now a real possibility of an “immune escape” variant that will kill like the Black Plague. All as we “unvaccinated” watch in horror. And (considering the number injected) all adding up to a mass extinction event and the end of civilization as we know it.

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I haven't seen much work done on the cumulative impact of the injections.

If the injection fatality rate is 1 death per thousand doses (and around 200 per thousand in adverse events of mild to life threatening) - it follows that someone who completed the initial double doses plus two boosters has a one in 250 chance of dropping dead (and an 800 out of a thousand - 80% - chance of adverse events of escalating severity).

The "premature aging" impact has been worked out as a 7% per shot reduction in remaining life expectancy.

So someone with 30 years of remaining life expectancy takes 4 shots, that 30 years is reduced by 28% or almost 8 and half years.

I suspect we will see how this plays out over the next 5-10 years.

Falls in life expectancy - life years lost - means that life insurance policies that might have been funded (at a profit) suddenly have to make the same payout with e.g 8 and half years fewer premia. Probably a loss.

Similarly, health insurance policies with premia based on health levels of yesteryear will have to start paying for much more expensive treatment of adverse events for a sustained period.

If I were a life or health insurance company I would be looking for recompense from either big pharma or the federal government for blowing up my business model!

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I don’t believe in the “variant” scenario. It’s the jabs (and possibly EMF, radiation) themselves that are causing the problems. How so? I believe the initial phase of sickness was induced pharmaceutically (or by EMF) in 2019 and “identified” by our MSM to induce panic and a rush to get the poison by a majority of the world’s population. Lockstep was prepared..

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Maybe watch this? A very good explanation of what is going on for folks like you and me. They have DONE all the wrong things in response to this virus; which is why variants are emerging. Unvaccinated folks have already achieved herd immunity. The vaccinated will NEVER achieve herd immunity and continue to get sick. They are literally human Petri dishes that are helping the virus continue to evolve. The REAL problem is that a Super Bug could evolve and quickly kill the vaccinated. https://www.youtube.com/live/UKDhjASd7ZE?feature=share

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The "truth" is evolving as it is discovered. Let's hope it is not a "consensus" of the corrupt.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

My heart breaks over the loss of so many innocent lives, those demon creatures that did that to so many know damn well we know what they did. We as a world population must finally stand up to them and say NO, no fucking way are we complying with your demands and we sure as hell are not taking your poison injections, they want us all dead or turned into robots, I am 71 and I have not taken a vaccine since I was 10, Im sure as hell not going to start now, they can all go straight to hell.

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I’m 72 - I think I took a flu shot 15 years ago. The White Coat Murders can kiss my ____. I just hope I die here at home with my dog. I don’t want to go in the hospital where I know they will kill me. Bastards. They ALL need to hang for what they have done. All these young people and kids killed for money. Terrible.

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Of course the numbers they give are phony, you can't ever believe the government's crap.

Superior deciphering this puzzle. And the numbers are still probably pessimistic!

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