Nearly four years - 7 million illegal immigrants - mostly fighting age men - to replace those - mostly elderly and infirm - already killed and those dying of mRNA injections
Hi Peter, you may want to listen to this: "The Disturbing Connection Between the October 4th EBS & the CCP — Todd Callender Interview" -
He is thinking the Chinese want US farmland to feed their people, no interest in suffering pesky Americans. No idea what the CCPs army of Chinese illegals are more than concerning.
Hi Peter, you may want to listen to this: "The Disturbing Connection Between the October 4th EBS & the CCP — Todd Callender Interview" -
Well! If he's right and millions get microwaved - it means the PLA of the CCP will be sending over an clean-up army for the American bodies!
He is thinking the Chinese want US farmland to feed their people, no interest in suffering pesky Americans. No idea what the CCPs army of Chinese illegals are more than concerning.
Maybe its time to get locked and loaded, if you don't, they win 100%.