An extreme opposite position to the extreme global C19 propaganda campaign
Maybe only 60,000 C19 deaths in almost 3 years not the more than 1 million reported and 600,000 Vaxx deaths in almost 2 years.
Bit of a long screed today, but hey! It’s Sunday!
As usual here’s a bit of background information to set the scene.
The origin of the C19 is disputed. The two main arguments are that it either started in a wet market in Wuhan, or in the Wuhan Institute of Virology – with shadowy companies like MetaBiota and EcoHealthAlliance funded by the US agencies like the NIH and NAIAD working with the US DoD. There are less publicized signs that these same US entities were completing research inside dozens of bio-research labs in the Ukraine (look up “California Flu”) or had been circulating in Northern Italy as early as the summer of 2019.
Leaving aside these issues, let’s review the progress of the pandemic in the US since the official “case” and death toll with C19 present has been recorded.
For reference, C19 “cases” work out at less than 3% per annum of the populations, with recoveries from this 3% per annum at close to 97% with 1% of that 3% classified as C19 deaths and 2% of that 3% classified as “active” at the present time.
THE BAIT – how to create a panic by exaggerating the scale of a pandemic so you can make out like bandits with harmful gene modification therapies.
Remember the definition of “vaccine” was changed so that the injections would NOT be regulated as the gene therapies they actually are.
For the US, the first year of the pandemic in 2020 – 20.5 million “cases” and 376,000 deaths with C19 present.
The first year of the roll-out of injections 2021 – on a cumulative basis, 56.4 million “cases” and 852,000 deaths with C19 present. “Cases” increased by 36 million and deaths with C19 present increased by 476,000.
So far this year, 2022, the cumulative number of US “cases” is 98.8 million with 1.1 million deaths. That is, with the population as injected as it is probably going to be, there has been an increase In “cases” of 42.2 million and 624,000 in deaths with C19.
At first, in 2020, the definition of a “case” was determined using an RT-PCR test set with amplification cycles of around 35-40, calibrated against a soup of ingredients that a computer algorithm – plus some human tinkering – calculated as the best match for a novel virus with a spike protein attached – as defined by Chinese scientists, who sent it over. I doubt these scientists said it was any kind of antidote.
The WHO instructed health authorities globally to assign cause of death to C19, if anyone died within 60 days of a positive test result using this RT-PCR test.
The inventor of the RT-PCR test, Kary Mullis (RIP) stated that you can calibrate the test to discover any gene sequence you want. It is known that detecting a sequence is not the equivalent of detecting a transmissible viral infection. It is known that the use of more than 24 amplification cycles results in false results. By the time you get to 35-40 amplification cycles you are dealing in gibberish.
The FDA withdrew Emergency Use Authorization of some of the main RT-PCR tests in widespread usage on 31 December 2021 because of this feature. Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) are now used that are confirmed with different RT-PCR tests. For a while, the FDA stipulated that the unvaxxed must be tested at 35-40 cycles and the vaxxed at 24 – until it realized that the viral loads were the same In both. Upwards of 90% of “cases” determined by RT-PCR testing using 35-40 amplification cycles are false positives.
The implications of such subjective RT-PCR testing in general are huge.
CLAIM: less than 60,000 Americans were killed by C19, not the 1,090,000 reported
(where did “old ‘flu! deaths go over 2020 and 2021 that are usually around 40,000 a year?)
Let’s apply that implication of false reporting of C19 “cases” to the determination of deaths with C19 detected within 60 days of a positive test. The CDC/FDA – acting on WHO instructions – stated that anyone that died within 60 days of a positive C19 test, died from C19. That meant that victims of gunshots, stabbings, Remdesivir, nursing/care home neglect and abuse, ventilators, starvation, dehydration, cancers, suicides, drug overdoses, food poisoning, vehicle or plane crashes, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s, old age – whatever – that had tested positive within the last 60 days was to be classified as “death by C19”.
Is it really the position of the health authorities that if a murderer happened to shoot someone to death who happened to be C19 positive that the murderer is innocent? Or if 4 out of ten people that died from a food poisoning incident had tested positive within 60 days of death, that four did not die from food poisoning but 6 did? Or if someone died In hospital or at home after being treated with Remdesivir that Remdesivir had nothing to do with it?
The number that died with ONLY C19 present is around 5% of all deaths ascribed to C19. Those that succumbed had between 2-6 other conditions (co-morbidities) that were already killing them AND had lived, an average 1-2 years LONGER than population life expectancy.
Now compare that to the mortality tables in the link below. The implication of the reclassification from existing co-morbidities and deaths from other causes to C19 deaths, means that 1,030,000 deaths have been misallocated to C19 and should be allocated across other causes of death – implying that the true cost of lockdowns, masking, failure to diagnose, failure to continue treatments, drug death increases, increases in crimes causing death, accidents and so on are being concealed and cannot be solved or even acknowledged.
Causes of death for 2020 and 2021 compared to 2019 (
Side note: enquiring minds might want to know why opioid deaths (like fentanyl) are not shown in CDC publications as the sixth leading cause of death ahead of Alzheimer’s for 2020 and 2021. These opioid deaths are omitted entirely.
THE SWITCH – pretend you have a solution – like a snake-oil salesman on steroids
CLAIM: 628 million injections (population average of 1.9 doses injected per person) have killed 600,000 Americans and caused 35.2 million injuries (multiple per person).
These deaths have been redirected from deaths by C19 injection to C19 itself or to other existing co-morbidities and typical (top 10) causes of death.
Check out this story that is STILL in the process of being checked out in other countries like Germany and Holland.
US Injections given here: CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US
For injectin casualties, multiply the US column by an Under Reporting Factor (URF) of 40 here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/7/2022 – VAERS Analysis
The historical URF (Lazarus Report 2011) is around 100, so a URF of 40 indicates a propensity to report C19 injection injuries at a 2.5 times higher rate.
This claim of deaths and injuries was predicted by Pfizer phase 3 clinical trials as analysed on pages 11 and 12 here:
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print - MoreHarm.pdf | DocDroid
24% of those injected in that Phase 3 clinical trial suffered an adverse event (6% in the placebo) during the (unblinded and short) six month period. That equates to 24% of 226 million Americans that have completed the primary series in the last 2 years 10 months = 54 million. There were 20 all cause mortality deaths in the clinical trial (14 in the placebo) = 206,000 deaths. Maybe thse numbers can be annualized (multiply by 2) maybe they do not reflect deaths that occurred within say, 150 days of the end of the trials (deaths undiscovered by the clinical trials). Maybe the clinical trials were biased towards healthier and younger populations that were not in as much risk of succumbing to the SARS-COV2 infection – who knows. It was a short 6 month trial that was unblinded. The point is that increased mortality and harms was evident BEFORE the roll-out of the injections.
Side Note: Excess Mortality Rates in many European countries is currently running at around 20%. Around 3.4 million people die each year in the US - 20% excess mortality = 680,000 more deaths.
Another point is that health authorities around the world DID NOT VERIFY the Pfizer or Moderna clinical trials or spot the increased harms and deaths – they treated them as fungible across the globe. They were negligent and should have conducted their own trials on their own people, independently of the pharma companies. Each adverse event and mortality number in the clinical trials was magnified 25,000 times to get to the more than 5 billion people now injected (from the 21,900 in the injected group In the trial).
They can still do this by replicating the clinical trials and populating data fields with actuall data to work out rates per, say, 100,000 for each of the categories here:
The “Efficacy” row is not -91%, it is plus hundreds of per cent!
To make matters worse, the companies making the doses are not experienced in the mass production of billions of injections. Moderna is a start-up company that has just been busted by the FDA. Pfizer subcontracted BioNTech – recently sold out to the Chinese Communist Party – who no doubt sub-contracted out to fourth and fifth parties for each component.
Recall of Moderna C19 Injections? - by Peter Halligan (
Three of the 12 FDA Observations about Moderna’s processes reported last month are below:
Your firm failed to thoroughly investigate any unexplained discrepancy or failure of a batch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications, whether or not the batch has already been distributed.
Control procedures are not established which monitor the output and validate the performance of those manufacturing processes that may be responsible for causing variability in characteristics of the in-process material and the drug product.
Acceptance criteria for the sampling and testing conducted by the quality control unit is not adequate to ensure that batches of the drug product meet appropriate statistical quality control criteria as a condition for their approval and release.
One vital check in the production process omitted from ALL quality control is the “dethawing” from the frozen state of the transported vials. Dethawing is part of the production process and must be completed by people who are not employees of big pharma. Instructions are complex and easily not followed.
SUPAC needed to check against data for the States!
Recall of Moderna C19 Injections? - by Peter Halligan (
Lastly, it occurs to my non-medically trained mind that it would be absurd for an uninfected cholera or measles person or someone bitten by a poisonous snake to be injected with cholera or measles or snake venom. So why is it the correct thing to do to injected an uninfected C19 sufferer with C19? Surely a step is missing, as in, inject the equivalent of cholera or measles antibodies or anti-venom?
vBOOM! Stanford's John Ioannidis proves AGAIN what I, Risch, McCullough, Atlas, J Tucker, Tenenbaum, Bhattacharya, Gupta, Kulldorff, Wolf, Oskoui knew, COVID was NOT deadly for vast majority, low IFR
Ioannidis shows us what we have been arguing for 2 years, to strongly protect the elderly & leave rest of non-elderly society alone, free, NO lockdowns or school closures, no mandates, no vaccine
Dr. Paul Alexander
7 hr ago
EXCELLENT read! You did a LOT of research. Thank you! I agree with your assumptions as well. I have had these suspicions (many backed up by my own research), but you definitely went above and beyond.