vBOOM! Stanford's John Ioannidis proves AGAIN what I, Risch, McCullough, Atlas, J Tucker, Tenenbaum, Bhattacharya, Gupta, Kulldorff, Wolf, Oskoui knew, COVID was NOT deadly for vast majority, low IFR
Ioannidis shows us what we have been arguing for 2 years, to strongly protect the elderly & leave rest of non-elderly society alone, free, NO lockdowns or school closures, no mandates, no vaccine
EXCELLENT read! You did a LOT of research. Thank you! I agree with your assumptions as well. I have had these suspicions (many backed up by my own research), but you definitely went above and beyond.
thanks. imagine if this had been the narrative from about may 2020 - perhaps with IVM protocols used as a prophylactic - no clinical trials, no variant "forcing" of the delta and other variants because of the clinical trials and subsequent roll out.. no care home deaths, lockdowns, masking, nada..
as it iis the path was set by bill gates/wellcome trust who cashed in on their corruption of tedos and the WHO to force an injected experiment
the sad thing is that the WHO does not declare an emergency when more people die from pneumonia every year than have died from covid - 2.5 million a year 1/3 children, that could be treated for a few bucks each - nor does the WHO declare that 9 million a year dying from starvation is a health eergency - requiring food in the first instance, but infrastructure spening on clean water, crops, sanitation and edcation to solve long term. all for a fraction of the cost that developed coutries have spent on a toxic injection and regulations.
vBOOM! Stanford's John Ioannidis proves AGAIN what I, Risch, McCullough, Atlas, J Tucker, Tenenbaum, Bhattacharya, Gupta, Kulldorff, Wolf, Oskoui knew, COVID was NOT deadly for vast majority, low IFR
Ioannidis shows us what we have been arguing for 2 years, to strongly protect the elderly & leave rest of non-elderly society alone, free, NO lockdowns or school closures, no mandates, no vaccine
Dr. Paul Alexander
7 hr ago
EXCELLENT read! You did a LOT of research. Thank you! I agree with your assumptions as well. I have had these suspicions (many backed up by my own research), but you definitely went above and beyond.
thanks. imagine if this had been the narrative from about may 2020 - perhaps with IVM protocols used as a prophylactic - no clinical trials, no variant "forcing" of the delta and other variants because of the clinical trials and subsequent roll out.. no care home deaths, lockdowns, masking, nada..
as it iis the path was set by bill gates/wellcome trust who cashed in on their corruption of tedos and the WHO to force an injected experiment
the sad thing is that the WHO does not declare an emergency when more people die from pneumonia every year than have died from covid - 2.5 million a year 1/3 children, that could be treated for a few bucks each - nor does the WHO declare that 9 million a year dying from starvation is a health eergency - requiring food in the first instance, but infrastructure spening on clean water, crops, sanitation and edcation to solve long term. all for a fraction of the cost that developed coutries have spent on a toxic injection and regulations.
c'est la guerr