what can We, The People do? is there a letter writing campaign under way? if so, what is the link?, as I'd most definitely add my name to it, or send a letter, or ask my circle of friends to do the same and add the info to my Twitter/X and other places... I just don't know who to send it it... can you provide those those details in the near future, please.
what can We, The People do? is there a letter writing campaign under way? if so, what is the link?, as I'd most definitely add my name to it, or send a letter, or ask my circle of friends to do the same and add the info to my Twitter/X and other places... I just don't know who to send it it... can you provide those those details in the near future, please.
Representations have bee made to the UN, but maybe encouraging Congress critters to write t their German equivalents would help.
I am not sure how active/relevant/influential this still is, but there s a Corona Investigative Committee which has/had these notables Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Mike Yeadon. Professor Luc Montagnie (dec'd 8 Feb 2022)
what can We, The People do? is there a letter writing campaign under way? if so, what is the link?, as I'd most definitely add my name to it, or send a letter, or ask my circle of friends to do the same and add the info to my Twitter/X and other places... I just don't know who to send it it... can you provide those those details in the near future, please.
Petition here: www.freereinerfuellmich.org
Representations have bee made to the UN, but maybe encouraging Congress critters to write t their German equivalents would help.
I am not sure how active/relevant/influential this still is, but there s a Corona Investigative Committee which has/had these notables Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Mike Yeadon. Professor Luc Montagnie (dec'd 8 Feb 2022)
https://corona-investigative-committee.com/ (Last session a few days ago).
I have heard mention of a "Foundation" but cannot find it usig Bing and Brave search functions.