Absolutely awesome podcast! Mr. Willis is very talented and I’m praying many see this and “Wake up”!

I truly believe many are absolutely clueless to what is taking place as I even write this.

Yet, I’ll be honest with the sheeple I see today I’m not so sure we’re going to survive this take over.

The laziness, the idiocy I see today is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. And for me that keeps me awake at night.

God have mercy on us all.

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Thanks for making people aware of the new film.

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Worth a watch.

Did not discuss vaxx injuries at all.

Or the combination of state and corporate interests via fascist totalitarian control.

Or the role that played in the creation of fear and the illusion of state backed solutions to fabricated problems as a Maoist tactic.

Or indeed any real problems that are being ignored (like micro-/ nano- plastic plastic particle pollution.

Still worth a watch - high quality production,

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If we just go by the title, "The Great Awakening," Mikki Willis probably just wanted to document that people are actually waking up.

Vaxx injuries have been/will be documented by other filmmakers.

Same with plastic pollution.

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