The head, unelected and incompetent quack at the WHO, wants those who are “Pro-Health” and freedom of speech (to develop higher quality medicine, science and ideas) to be put in jail as “anti-vaxxers"
From here:
WHO Demands 'Anti-Vaxxers' Jailed Before 'Next Pandemic' - News Addicts
As a reminder, the term “anti-vaxxer” is a marketing term, dreamt up by those who push toxic injections of gene modifying poisons that FAILED clinical trials and have FAILED to work in a public health setting. The WHO Director is not a medical doctor/
The WHO has FAILED to eliminate the leading causes of diseases in the world – from cancer, through AIDS, through malaria, through cholera, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, ‘flu - any of the leading causes of death.
The “vaccines” it promoted as “essential” were non-sterilizing and failed to prevent infection, transmission, hospitalizations or death. And yet the quacks think they have the moral and scientific high ground to force governments around the world to adopt their “one size fits all” mass vaccination polemic against well-established scientific and medical principles like “first, do no harm”.
The WHO can’t get it through its thick head that no-one is against vaccinations that work! Everyone is against the “steenking” vaccines that are badly made, full of contaminants and adulterations that kill and maim. The WHO is really that stupid. Now it wants governments around the world to enforce compliance with its insane and failed Cult-like dogma.
Form here.
WHO Demands 'Anti-Vaxxers' Jailed Before 'Next Pandemic' - News Addicts
“The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on governments and law enforcement around the world to begin jailing “anti-vaxxers” to stop the spread of “disinformation” before the “next pandemic” is rolled out globally.”
The typical reaction of fascists to the inconvenient truth that their dogma is false ad harmful. “Sieg Heil” or go to jail.
“After failing to pass the “WHO Pandemic Treaty” and after failing to get his way with global vaccine passports, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus went on another tirade about combating anti-vaxxers and their “misinformation/disinformation.”
Remember, only an idiot is “anti-vaxx” - if the vaxx is SAFE and EFFECTIVW – the experimental C19 modified mRNA gene altering connections are neither “vaccines” or “therapies” – and were/are NIINFFECTIV E and were/are UNSAFE.
“At the summit, he highlighted the “persistent threat of online misinformation and disinformation in public health.”
The only information that is being spread is the opportunity to pursue ad deliver TRUTH – the mal-, mis-, and disinformation are Cult marketing terms developed by people like the WHO and spouted by similarly ignorant, corrupt and lying politicians, MSM and health “regulators”. These groups of “people” did no work, confirmed no results, checked no manufacturing quality – NADA!!!!
Whatever work they did was always going to result in the approval and sponsorship of the toxic C19 injections,
The WHO and politicians have no shame and will not apologise for their Cult like behaviour that suppresses the discovery of TRUTH through free speech and medical/scientific challenge!
The first action of the WHO and its quacks should be to apologise for their stupidity, negligence and coercion – chances of this? Zero. They are a Cult, not a medical or health body.
Gebreyesus is a wannabe tyrant – 8 billion people would not trust him to remove a thorn from a finger.
ONE SIZE DES NOT FIT ALL – and the WHO is “one size that fits no-one”.
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There are NO vaccines that are safe or effective more and more doctors are realizing that with all the injuries and deaths to children of all ages that’s been going on for decades. Wake the f☠️ck up
Keep telling the truth. Truth works bit by bit. We had people for dinner tonight and I am happy to report that we had a very good discussion/debate about ‘what really happened’, and is STILL happening around the lies from Public Health filtered down from WHO and nefarious operators (Gates/Gavi) Governments - they are retired lawyers and had already been questioning so it was good for them to spend time with people who had also questioned and had rejected the entire lie. Telling the truth will destroy ‘dis/mis-information’.