Keep telling the truth. Truth works bit by bit. We had people for dinner tonight and I am happy to report that we had a very good discussion/debate about ‘what really happened’, and is STILL happening around the lies from Public Health filtered down from WHO and nefarious operators (Gates/Gavi) Governments - they are retired lawyers and had already been questioning so it was good for them to spend time with people who had also questioned and had rejected the entire lie. Telling the truth will destroy ‘dis/mis-information’.

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The CDC, corrupt as it is had a low fluoride in drinking water recommendation. The WHO on the other hand placed the level at an IQ deteriorating 1.5 mg/L

Better to call the WHO, the evil one's home. They are plain satanic.

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There are NO vaccines that are safe or effective more and more doctors are realizing that with all the injuries and deaths to children of all ages that’s been going on for decades. Wake the f☠️ck up

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