Thanks PH. One if not the most profound post you've ever made. Highly appreciated.

My penny bet is on the Nuke that the injected are going to experience sooner rather than later.

See Geert VanDB's forecast that this will happen as the injections are creating the way more dangerous variants of the lurgy.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Every. Word. You. Wrote.


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Unfortunately, you may be correct. Yet, my faith is not in man, it it in Jesus. And with that I can rest easy.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I absolutely agree, it’s time for a serious 100% across the board TAX REVOLT! And you are spot on regarding this shit show as the product of Mao and that vile useless POS Marx.

A serious tax revolt would send the message home! Yet, we are living in Zombie land today between the high concentrations of flouride in the water and the vaxed mushroom brains too many will simply “obey” the overlords and bury their heads in the sand.

But, I will not lose hope for those of us with brain cells and actual critical thinking skills to set this plan in motion. The vaxed will be dead soon anyway *no disrespect here, just fact* so we may have a chance.

*I dunno if it’s me, but I’m noticing a ton of trolls on Substack these days, anyone else noticing this?

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Good or bad, it is a change (mostly bad).

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While some points here seem valid, using Marx and Mao to attack Dems is nothing but a form of the fascism that the GOP is blatantly pushing. Trump is a totalitarian; ie, fascist. This article uses the same GOP mantra about socialism and is totally ignorant of it or part of the distraction and diversion that is also used in the divide and conquer strategy. FYI, Trump wrecked the economy unless you are only talking about the wealthy who were given massive tax cuts while the working majority saw losses of jobs, income and savings. Get your facts straight and fess up to what exactly is being proposed in stead of the standard attack the opposition, Like all GOP campaigns there is nothing being offered to the public that supports our life.

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Do you have any data to back up your claim that Trump wrecked the economy?

Perhaps, if you are able to read charts, you might put it in the context of household income.

I will start you off with this.


You are confusing truth with the lies you are told by those that completely dominate you politically and prevent you from engaging in any critical thinking whatsoever.

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How sad that you are defending the indefensible.

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