The madness of green Norway – mine the Arctic sea bed - a protest petition has already garnered 250,000 signatures
Yesterday I posted this:
Which had a few images of the open cast mining for key materials needed for the magnets in wind turbines such as boron and neodymium:
A neodymium “mine”.
A boron “mine”:
Three months ago I posted this article:
In essence, the Norwegians export what, domestically, they ban, so they can clutch their pearls about how “green” they are, and, of course what fantastic supporters they are of UN Sustainable Development Goals You know “Net Zero” and all that by enabling other countries to use the hydrocarbon fuels they export.
Norway has a sovereign wealth fund worth 1.7 trillion bucks – not bad for a country with a population of 5.5 million people – more than 300,000 bucks for every man, woman and child.
Norway wealth fund could invest $70 bln in private equity | Reuters
Not content with the utter hypocrisy of exporting hydrocarbon fuels to other countries (Norway took up a fair amount of the slack from the US destruction of Nord Stream 2) – politicians in Norway have come up with another hypocritical wheeze to help the world out in its pursuit of Net Zero.
Straight from the YCMTSU files, Norway wants to mine the Arctic sea bed.
Imagine those open cast mining images above on the sea bed in the Arctic.
From here:
Norway parliament deal marks major step towards seabed mining | Reuters
“OSLO, Dec 5 (Reuters) - Norway's minority government and two opposition parties have agreed to allow seabed mineral exploration in the Arctic region, they said on Tuesday, in a key step towards full-scale ocean mining.
The deal comes as Norway hopes to become the first country to make deep-sea mining happen on a commercial scale and secure critical minerals and jobs despite concerns over the environmental impact and international calls for a moratorium.”
The deal was agreed between the two parties in the minority government - Labour and the Centre Party - and the opposition Conservatives and the Progress Party, securing a comfortable majority.
Baard Ludvig Thorheim, a member of parliament for the Conservatives, told Reuters the environmental bar for seabed mining had been set fairly high in the amended proposal.”
Shocker, right? All about the Benjamins and politicians that think ocean life gives a rat’s ass about the imaginary “high bar” they set..
There are those that are not letting this slide.
From here:
A petition is available to be signed that will, at the very least, signal outrage over the wanton destruction of the Arctic Ocean sea bed in exchange for money in pursuit of the “faux science of “Climate Change” and “Net Zero.
You can see just how insane the “green” lobby is by checking out the links embedded here that completely destroy the logic of a “climate crisis” and expose the complete and utter fraud that is being perpetuated by politicians globally, think the UN IPCC has any credibility at all.
Remember, these green chicken littles have created global energy poverty by doubling the price of hydrocarbons via taxation and regulations whilst providing massive taxpayer subsidies to “renewable” eyesores of forests of windmills and plantations of solar panels.
The intention is to mine the Arctic Ocean sea bed to further boost the fraud being perpetrated.
Back to the petition. (h/t Emily S)
It has already breached the 250,000 target it set itself. I suspect that if word gets about it will easily reach a million.
“Mining operations on the ocean floor will destroy ecosystems, poison our oceans, and bring incalculable harm to marine life. As citizens from around the world, we urge you to say no to all deep-sea mining.”
Here is the link again:
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Norway is dead set on reverting to the 17th century, aren't they?
And Germany cutting down an old forest to put up a metal one.
Are they fucking insane?
Everything is a lie: