They don't have a sheriff in NZ to enforce the law of the land? I'll bet they do, but that office is probably participating in the federal chain of command.

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"I suspect that many in New Zealand will regard this as a farce and not worthy of attention"

The majority of the country. Nevertheless if the Russian claim that the Treaty of Waitangi was never ratified is true then the prior 1835 agreement comes into legal force. Nevertheless the Crown ain't going to agree with that one.

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I’m under the impression, and happy to be wrong, that this is all fake. Reiner also has far bigger fish to fry than pay attention to little ol’ NZ.

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What reason could they possibly have not to prosecute Ardern? I'm also wondering why Reiner Fuellmich thought this would work. I'm also thinking they may have no power to arrest anyone but they do have recognized land/property rights so maybe they could confiscate their property or occupy it legally? I'd love to see that.

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You'd love to see property titles annulled? Like Klaus wants?

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I have no problem with annulling titles of WEF members & worshippers, if that's what they are.

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Well I'm sure we don't disagree on the WEF et al. But annulling their land titles is a one way road to no land titles.

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True, Maybe better just to hang 'em

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Hi Peter, this story broke recently, from Pascal N. the banker in Switzerland: "BREAKING Documentary Short Cutting off the Head of the Snake" - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/DLOD5BcRo6Lm/

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It would be a great day to see these convicted people arrested and jailed. While we are beseiged with the visual horror of Israel's onslaught of Gaza, these covid horrors are not as visible and are being neglected despite the raging statistics of the serious adverse effects and deaths. This Maori case might help bring it into public focus.

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Confiscating/occupying their property might have better chance of working(?)

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The Maori should send their warrior sheriff's to make the arrests.

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They specifically targeted the Māori population especially the underprivileged - get jabbed and we will give you food vouchers! Bastards

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Yeah who was doing that though? Willy Jackson? Kelvin Davis? Mahuta, Henare?

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Just like they have with First Nations here in North America

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Global goal of eliminating the indigenous people of every country.

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TPTB will try to eliminate any challengers. I don't see Maori as being a challenger right now. As above the Maori MPs are all idiots (so are all the Pakeha MPs) and the Maori gangs are run by idiots as well. They're not challengers (but for now) are collaborators.

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There will be the Costa Rica hearing on Nov 9th too but it will prob be ignored.

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Thanks so much for reporting this, Peter! Much appreciated.

Nothing moot about this, though. Even if the tribal leaders have no "enforcement" arm, speaking truth to power reverberates throughout the universe . . . .

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I’m a New Zealander and like most, I’ve never ever heard of a Māori government. We’ve heard of the Māori king but he has no power or status. So I wonder if this Māori government was voted in democratically. I don’t remember seeing any voting papers arrive in the mail. Good on them whoever they may be

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Why do you think people should be respected because of their race and colour of their skin? People automatically get respect when they earn it. But thinking that a whole race should be respected simply because of their nationality is a bit strange really

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Another thing is when Māori got here they killed the original nz indigenous people off

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There is a treaty with Māori. It’s called the treaty of waitangi. Looks like you may have Māori confused with some other race

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In Maoridom you earn respect and arn't born with it (mostly, Maoridom like Pakehadom has its toadies). Therefore the chances of me showing respect to Willie Jackson, Kelvin Davis or the idiotic and lazy local MP (Rino something arather) is close to zero as they've earned none.

Also first peoples? Ngai Tahu are the main local tribe here in the South Island. They arrived (at the earliest - late 17th C) after the Dutch did (Tasman 1642). Should I give respect to the local Dutch?

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I didn't even mention the Spanish and Portuguese who not only landed here before Tasman but became Maori......

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From Brazil: wishing they could judge these corrupts all over the world!🇧🇷

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With her face, they felt she had been punished enough.

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