Thanks PH. Now you know why I often refer to my mother country as fcUKdup. Was going to, now gone to complete ratshit.

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Yet, whites continue to offer the race-blind posture while we get our asses kicked by the de-colonizers. A reluctant white consciousness is necessary. We can return to race neutrality after we defeat them.

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Everyday I am more boggled and plainly pissed right off that people that have had a higher education have absolutely no common sense. How do people keep allowing this to happen right in front of their faces. How did white people become so evil. I always thought, if you work hard and are truly the best, that’s how you get a position. How are so many so easily brainwashed. Insanity!!!!

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Most know they are part of a fraud. But it’s what puts food on the table. Just like most drs know vaccines are the biggest cause of autism but if they told us they would lose their career.

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The Great Thing About Liberals

Is That You Don't Have To Listen To Them.

'Just Ask For The Leaflet.


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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Mmmm...I suppose if there is one iota of ironic positivity about this...it will wake even more people up....the more the stupid, bigoted narcissistsic, sycyophantic marionettes put into action the instructions of their puppet masters...the more people will be forced to face the shite put in front of their noses....

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That’s equity for you. And the Nazis in control of the western world have convinced many that it’s a good thing.

In NZ anyway we were told that the govt was shifting from basing their policies on equality to basing them on equity.

And their minions applauded them

Equity is the opposite of equality.

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Interesting. Seems to highlight that different races require different treatments. What causes the higher rates of diabetes? Might it be diet? I have vague recollections of Otara in Auckland having the world's highest per capita consumption of KFC in the world. The article (not accessible on UK servers, but is on US servers) says that Pacific Islanders are in a much worse position than Maori. I guess Auckland still has the most heavily populated Pacific Island community?

I am wondering more and more about the interaction of C19 injections with other treatment protocols.

Interested to know if Remdesivir was used as a treatment protocol in NZ (or Midazolam + morphine).

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Here’s another article. Māori and Pacific Islanders are now being put at the top of surgical waiting lists. Healthcare is now based on race entirely in NZ. All because equality was ditched and replaced with equity


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Imagine if the Europeans said "Maori and P.I's" will be treated last.

Where do Asians - of different colours - and religious groups - moslems and christians - fit in the queue?

presumably the bottom rung is white males.

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It’s just crazy isn’t it. What this means is if you are white you may never make it to the top of the waiting list as the authorities will keep putting Māori and pi in front of you

Waiting lists here already had some strange rules without this being brought in.

For example if you are told the waiting list is a year long but they don’t see you within that year you get chucked off the waiting list, sent back to your specialist and they will put you back on the waiting list but at the bottom

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10% of the UK is on a NHS waiting list


up a few million since the start of the scamdemic

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And imagine if in Germany they decided to put Germans at the top of the list above those who are Jewish

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I’d say they still eat record amounts of kfc. That’s well known. But I also have a theory about Pacific Islanders and some of their traits and I believe that many have high levels of mercury in them from growing up on a high seafood diet in Samoa or Tonga.

From my own experiences with metal allergy I have a theory that Māori are more susceptible and could be the reason my fathers side of the family have the gene mutations making us susceptible to metals. I only have a tiny amount of Māori blood in me. Goes back to a great grandfather who was Māori.

If I am right and they are more susceptible to becoming allergic to metals then that means they will have more adverse events to metals in vaccines than people without these gene mutations. And this could be a contributor to their diabetes.

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DIE is as DIE does.

NZzzz and OZzzz have been skewered by corporate globalist WEF/WHO/UN ESG aligned technofascists. It remains to be seen whether a sufficient number are awake in either country to drag each back from the abyss.

One thing to consider is that the ideology in play is a moral, intellectual, social, economic, and biological dead end, literally and figuratively. It exemplifies the very definition of 'unsustainable'.

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You’re dead on correct.

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