Is Dr. Martin's brother of any importance if the brother occupies a position of sway in the CDC? IS Dr. Martin a card-carrying member of the Freemasons? Just exactly who is David Martin and what are his true intentions? (georgewebb.substack.com and on Twitter @realgeorgewebb1; Housatonic Live on YT)

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Is it your view that Dr Malone and his brother are involved in criminal activities and that David Martin and the freemasons are part of a plot to reduce 8 billion people to 500 million?

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It has been mentioned that Dr. Martin, -- as with Dr. Malone, Bret Weinstein, Tucker, Dr. Nass and others -- may not be who he(they) purport to be or, omit key information highly important to share for purposes of discovery. Whitney Webb seems to refrain from mentioning Malone's (Jill Glasspool) past associations with those involved in promoting 19, nor anything of his litigious nature aimed at those who are clearly, historically fighting the rhetoric and lies (Dr. & Mrs. Breggin, Dr. Ruby). Some 'truthers' have 'associations' that are highly questionable. Am posing questions of which others are convinced. Interested in hearing confirmation or otherwise. Yes, I believe there are myriad posers in our midsts.

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I hear you.

There is a maelstrom of voices out there,

I think that 2024 will reveal many of good and unimpeachable character that will take over the torch that lights the way to a better place.

o matter the source of progress or the motives of those that move us forward, progress is being made towards a better place.

I am manybe too forgiving of those that fail to adhere to the pursuit of "virtue and excellence" by insisting on transparency - we will aways strive for virtue and excellence, but cannot - and probably should not - ever achieve it,- because to do so leads to inertia and eecay.

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I read this hours ago and I think it fused my brain cells. Primarily profit? Eugenics? My head is too small...

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Well, we can hope its money, power grans and ego - the most horrific extreme conspiracy

- a final solution/end point might be this:

ultimate goal to replace all biological matter for every species on the planet with artificial life..

controlled by AI of course.

in the meanwhile, the issue is that - as with the Nazis in WWII - bullets/injections are too expensive to exterminate people - so expect the equivalent of Zyklon B in major cities.

an even more extreme conspiracy theory - who knows, all this may be part of the pla of an alien species - far advanced to turn the planet into a theme park!

Nature and humanity are vastly superior in intellect and evolution than anything the clowns in the WHO and WEF could possibly dream up.

their limited ad static solutions suppress natural evolution and substitute a fixed and static one.

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