Thanks PH. Latest FumBuckery from the fonts of all bs.

Climate Lockdown. I shyte thee not! Takes a group of Swiss older folk to get the bs into a court.


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Sad story - at least the featured lady had air-con.

Heat waves can have fatal consequences - especially for the elderly and infirm.


The ancient Romans had the same issue.


Seems to me that - as with Willie Soon's issue with measuring temperatures in urban sinks - that there is an issue for the design of cities.

Some cities seem to trap heat more than others - as Conan the Barbarian said "how does the air ever get into this place".

Can you "ventilate" an entire city? Probably, but that might be a cure - the UN IPCC seems fixated on the mantra of "stop doing anything"

The Chinese have many of the world's largest cities and some of the worst air pollution. Maybe they can come up with something.

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Your comment about the two UN emerging tyrannies is well made---the WHO and IPCC---zero covid and zero carbon--strange how the same strategies work for both.

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