I was so happy that Matt Taibbi was the journalist charged with these tweets. He is one of the best investigative reporters in the business. Whether or not people like Trump ( and most dems I know just don't like his personality ) what was done to him during those 4 years was sickening and they did it to him because the dems and rinos KNEW Trump has the goods on them. Trump went from going to all the 'in' parties, everybody's friend ( as long as his wallet was open ) to being an 'Orange Man Bad. ' It was bullshit. My friends even said it had ruined late night TV because ALL THEY DID FOR FOUR YEARS WAS MAKE 'JOKES' ABOUT TRUMP I used to love Colbert and John Oliver! I can't stomach either of them anymore. In FACT the MEDIA drove those of us who weren't brainwashed OFF TV and ONTO youtube then Rumble et al. I can't even TALK to my New Yorker children about politics or about anything to do with their triple vaxxed injuries. It was a very successful con job and I hope to hell the CRIMINALS eventually pay for it. The whole damn thing. And the young people accosted by men with microphones doing 'man on the street' interviews who can't even NAME the vice president ( but know all about Kim Kardashian ) had better WAKE, not WOKE, up or they will be marching with the Chinese digital currency that can be turned off and on at the governments whim, will find out their 'everything is a civil right' including food, housing and a monthly stipend, omig I am getting worked up. I need to go listen to Jordan Peterson before I have a stroke

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we have walked down the same road!



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Cheers, Peter. Much appreciated.

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You are welcome

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