The same happening in Germany. The insane war upon fossil fuels has nothing to do with the climate, but is all about the destruction of our western way of life and freedom. The puppet masters holding the strings sadly are very powerful and rule most of the formerly known as Free West. Hopefully the voters will wake up in time to prevent the totalitarian dystopian plan.

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I think the situation is significantly worse that you are saying here.

The main earner in UK is financial services in the City of London and much of our manufacturing has already disappeared. The City is not British. It is an international criminal syndicate and it is planning to move out. In fact, there are signs that it has already begun to leave Blighty, blighted in its wake.


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They're all going to die from heat and freezing to death. Our hydro here is still reasonable, I pay $12.00 some months for gas and about $200.00 every two months for hydro.

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I rent a 1-bed apartment in central London for 25,200 a year, I was paying around 900 pounds a year for gas/electricity (which has just gone up to around1,000) and will go up by another 50 in January) plus another 350 a year for water/waste water plus council taxes of around 800 a year for trash collection/street lighting/cleaning/police/schools etc.

The internet/phone/cable costs around 1500 pounds a year.

Just the basic cost around 3,650.

Groceries (including cigarettes) are around 160 a week, 8,000 a yar.

All up, around 37,000 pounds - 66.000 Canadian - 48,000 US - 72,000 Oz dollars.

I live pretty frugally, no regular restaurant/drinking sessions as in my younger days.

It baffles me why - in countries with socialised medicine - that energy (and in a socialist leap) even food are not free - especially when the costs have been paid for many times over with taxes, leaving just maintenance/transmission. The internet could be free also.

The biggest "price gougers" - with margins of 25-60% reside in the tech we "consume".

The costs from such a move would be far less than the subsidies paid fr wind yrubines and slar power - using natural gas and nuclear instead.

Don't get me wrong, even that socialism "free" provision of utilities is way more expensive than it should be - individuals would be able to provide for themselves over their working lives with plenty to spare with no "social safety net".

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Whats happening to us now was planned many many years ago, chemtrails were happening in the 60s, so this theft of our money is just another way to kill us off. I knew "covid" was a lie almost day one, from there I researched until my eyes bred, I got my hands on everything and now I know the morons running our countries are just paid puppets for the WEF, UN and the WHO. We will get hit with higher taxes until we starve to death. I bought 2 plastic planter pots yesterday that cost $240.00 one large one medium, I was shocked shitless at the prices today for something like a plastic pot. Don't get me wrong, we pay allot in taxes like the insane carbon tax which btw Trudeau wants to add another 61 cents on so our gas will be almost $3.00 a litre. I thank God my husband has a great job and he makes good money but Im sure the elites will tax him out of existence too.

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