I can't disagree with any of your analysis of what the WHO (NWO) have in mind!

Apparently, some governments are showing signs of waking up to the reality of the WHO Treaty, which is crucial to implementing Slavery of us all.

It seems Germany is the latest to resist the supposed 'TREATY' and other Nations like Holland and Italy have recently introduced more realistic Right-wing democracies - which could mean others will follow before the WEF NWO Coup is applied.

Very little chance the sleeping UK Government have even realised there's a sinister plot afoot! But we live in hope that there may be some politicians with the ability to think.

The CORRUPT World Health Organisation is now defunct, obsolete and finished. We, the people hereby reject any form of representation or advice regarding human health, and from whom we accept no edicts, mandates, instructions, rules, laws, orders or demands. The WHO is finished!

We, the people have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined dots starting January 2020.

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Peter, thanks for your thorough and accurate analysis of the upcoming sinister WHO TREATY and all the twists employed to ensure the 'con' could be slipped discretely past most apathetic signatories.

I understand that Germany and Australia have just announced serious concerns regarding sovereignty.

Maybe I being too optimistic, but I think there might be sufficient nations that are realising what is being attempted by Gates and his CORRUPT WHO. I hope I'm correct but don't expect incompetent UK politicians to even realise 'they're being taken to the cleaners'!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight dirty!

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Here's how i see it.

We have the new form of colonisation - maybe of the colon! - it is the adoption of the Chinese Socialism model for one world government.

The Biden administration is working with the EU to impose this - the UK is trying to remain relevant to anyone that will listen - they don't matter, only their taxes do - Australia..NZ and Canada are "clients states" of the US and EU.

So, a "One World Empire" based on evolved Maoism and called Chinese Socialism.

Deadline day tomorrow for rejecting the May 2022 amendments that shorten time frames - the the meeting in May 2024 that will operate under these reduced time lines - so any amendments from May 2024 will be 6 months to approve then 12 months to implement by statue in every country - November 2025 is "Establishment of One World Empire" under the Chinese model.

The US and EU are being tricked into thinking they are two legs oa three legged stool. They cannot compete with China on any level - they are soft, weal and "woke" stupid.

We have Slovakia, Estonia, NZ and maybe Argentina plus the Philippines who have rejected the May 2022 and upcoming May 2024 amendments.

I think a simple majority is all that is need at the May 2024 meeting - so, more countries are needed. The highest volume of countries is in Africa and Asia. African leaders were killed when they disregarded WHO and big pharma. Gates and Fauci have been bribing politicians and killing Africans and South Americans for decades - in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh too.

We need a campaign ranging through Africa, the "stans" all the small Pacific Island countries to show them that taking bribes is a straight swap for killing themselves at a certain rate.

93 countries needed - maybe 6 already - in six months. Maybe breakthroughs like the contamination and the NZ record level data will work to show the dangers of "One World Empire"

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It's a pity more of the British population had access to the facts because they would then understand what's going on with the divisive WHO Treaty. It's about Freedom of choice and our autonomy to make decisions about our ongoing health.

Possibly just 1% of the British public knows that Bill Gates contributes well over 50% towards the WHO budget. This means he influences WHO Policies, actions and policies - all of which now focus on his bizarre and insane desires. In effect, Gates now 'OWNS' the WHO!

Gates wants total control of humanity by restricting our movement, our food, our drinking water and our access to energy. He's well on the way to achieving these intentions as he is now the biggest owner of farmland in the USA, and he's invested heavily in artificial meat products (See Picnic NL)

He's also invested in 'vaccines', stating "The most lucrative investment I ever made was VACCINES".

Join the dots and you might realise what Gates's WHO might do once our country accepts their devious Treaty that entitles the WHO to declare false and fictitious diseases as Scamdemics - thereby having assumed power to lock us all down PERMANENTLY, they will then INJECT us all against our will. Slavery will be complete!

Gates has already predicted that Stage Two of his WHO Control Plan is imminent and suggests that; "The next one will really get their attention". He knows this because he's pulling the strings!

Join the dots and BEWARE!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Agreed. A nuance though. The WHO accepts funds from governments and "foundations" on the basis of directed research amd resources. The "donor" contributes with conditions on where the money goes.

What has happened is that, rather than donors directing resources on a global level, rather than to say "mosquito nets" to Malawi, it is directed to "vaccine mandates based on donor shareholdings in pharma companies" AND has hijacked taxes to do this by triggering EXISTING IHR 2005 clauses and agreements. The shortening of the time frames to CHANGE the IHR 2005 has been shortened from 12 months to approve to ten months and from 24 months to 12 months to implement - those in the May 2022 amendments.

The next amendments are truly terrifying - in May 2024 the governing boddy ofg the WHO - the World Health Assembly - will not only embed that "directed" research and resource to nefarious business interests - it will mandate it into sovereign laws of every country that agrees.

More and more countries are seeing through this "regulatory capture" at the global level.

Philippines just said NO, Slovakia yesterday. NZ is prevaricating and a frw others.

I am waiting for civil law actions against politicians, health regulators, employers and the MSM for battery assault and death of individuals. Maybe building on the breaches of the UK's CPA against AstraZeneca.

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We all know that Parliament will just rubber stamp it anyway.

No Parlaiment debates so far, have been anywhere near satisfactory.

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Defund those criminals.

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