The UK used to have a beer called “Greene King Indian Pale Ale” – it now has a “Green King International P*** Artist” – Charles III speaks at COP28 – and virtue signals – royally
From here:
Here’s a reprise of a few howlers:
“King Charles warned yesterday that man is carrying out a 'vast, frightening experiment' on the planet and our grandchildren 'will be living with the consequences of what we did or didn't do'.
This got my hopes up. Maybe he was about to unleash on the disastrous impact of the “one size fits all” global poisoning with 8 billion mRNA and 5 billion “other” C19 injections that have killed tens of millions and generated billions of injuries!
But no. Even the death of both his parents following infection via shedding of meetings with superspreaders Biden and Trudeau, the monarch displayed his adherence to the “three dumb monkeys” – hear no harms, see no harms and do NOT speak about harms” from injections.
Instead, he dame out with drivel and virtue signalling like this.
“'I pray with all my heart that Cop28 will be another critical turning point towards genuine transformational action at a time when, already, as scientists have been warning for so long, we are seeing alarming tipping points being reached.'
He did not mention the riots in Sri Lanka arising from the implementation of the measures he promotes.
2022 Sri Lankan protests - Wikipedia
Nor did he mention the impact on climate of the actions of the earth such as volcanoes (Hunga Tonga) or Fukushima or the volcano under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier) or Mount St Helens. The atmospheric effects for which can last years if not decades..
He obviously dismisses ALL the science that debunks the “climate change” agenda entirely.
Nor did he mention that the most significant emitters are located in China and India – the West has done a lot, but the opposite is happening elsewhere as countries race to raise their living standards.
Nor did he mention the utter destruction of biodiversity on land and sea from the creation of forests of ugly windmills or plantations of solar panels – or the source – using slave labour – of the materials necessary to erect those monstrous eye-sores – or their disposal – or that half of every country needs to be covered with these eyesores using current technology to replace hydrocarbon use.
Note, oil and gas are not “fossils” – maybe he is projecting.
Even if you believe that we are not in a CO2 drought, you would think that the Green King would issue rather more pointed messages at the emitters!
Here is a 2020 list of the top 10 pre-C19 CO2 3mitters. On a gross basis of course, no mention of emissions net of ocean, plant and air absorption,
CO₂ Emissions by Country 2023 (
And here is a representation of trends. See if you can spot who is increasing and who is reducing emissions.
List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia
Land use change not included? Hmmm.
I wonder if the equivalent to the US bar fly, Kerry was there Xie Zhenhua from China was there - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Mod – also spoke on Thursday.
Other attendees here:
Who’s attending COP28 in Dubai — and who’s giving it a miss? | Climate Crisis News | Al Jazeera
The MSN article (and “the Green King’s Speech”?) had lots of cherry picked pictures of disasters from around the world that he – and the other chicken littles – say are increasing in frequency and severity. All complete crap of course. Yes they do happen,
No proof required, no evidence of the increased frequency or severity. Woe betide anyone mentioning that these are REDUCING as is the cost in economic terms. No mention of the renewed growth in coral on the Great Barrier Reef or the increase in polar bear numbers or the increase in volumes of Antarctic Ice in the east of the Antarctic.
Even is you believe that we are in a carbon dioxide glut, the Green King did not mention the need for technologies that develop “carbon capture” or hint that maybe capturing exhaust emissions from vehicles should be developed.
“The King used his speech to highlight recent cyclones in the South Pacific and Caribbean, flooding in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan and drought in East Africa, as well as US and European wildfires”
“A woman enters the sea from a beach where wildfires destroyed the woods, at Glystra near the village of Gennadi in the southern part of the Greek island of Rhodes”
The MSN article finished up with a quote from global communist and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres – who wants to impose taxes on “fuel giants”.
“The UN secretary general said: 'We can't put out a burning planet with a firehose of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel burning must be stopped. Not reduced. Not abated.' Mr Guterres said the oil and gas industry – which accounts for one per cent of clean energy investment – must invest more. He said if oil companies do not pay up then 'humanity's fate lies in the balance'.”
His qualifications, expertise and experience for running a planet? Zero of course. All he knows is how to whine, virtue signal and spend other people’s money.
I looked out the window and there is no “burning planet”. The West is reducing emissions and improving fuel use efficiency at a pace that matches evolving technology. Technology that Green King and Guterres are spectacular unqualified to talk about.
Let me put one of my favourite links here:
The People Promising Us 'Net Zero' Are Clueless About Energy Storage - Climate Change Dispatch
Greene King IPA left a less bitter aftertaste and less of a hangover!
Lastly, remember the imposition of the Ultra Lowe Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London? Consider this hypothesis.
99% of streets in Londin did not have an emissions problem that manifested in the presence of unsafe levels of noxious gases. Neither has this 99% of London streets changed its emissions since the expansion of the ULEZ, Yet the residents of these 99% of London streets who are captured by the arbitrary emissions levels set by bureaucrats using “faux science” are being taxed. All that has changed are increased taxes, stress levels and compliance costs.
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I liked it better when monarchs understood that messing with politics is hazardous to their health. He must have failed English history in school. Australian and not my king!
idiots! fools! Not the globalists pushing the climate change scam, but the billions of people who are buying it. We will all get collectively what we're asking for, and it ain't gonna be pretty. Let's collapse the global economy because climate change. Let's go to a one wold government because climate change. Let's monitor the movement of every person on earth, especially their "carbon footprint" because climate change. The fools fell for it with covid. Is there any hope that the majority will wake up and say no to this madness?