The US has a Net Zero problem in 2030 – nothing to do with climate and everything to do with the bankruptcy of Trust funds backing Medicare and Medicaid
As you read this, consider that the same issues impacting the US also impact every country that was subjected to the (contaminated and adulterated) experimental C19 modified mRNA injections of spike venom are woefully unprepared for the tsunami of medical costs that are about to be unleashed on their national health systems.
For the US alone, aside from the 700,000 killed by these injections (excluding those killed by Remdesivir) -= based on Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial outcomes - around 20-25% (60-80 million Americans) of those injected are already suffering from side effects of one sort or another, requiring some sort of medical treatment. This is in addition to the health burden prior to the scamdemic.
Around 9 million Americans) are suffering from severe life altering) adverse events and around 4 million have suffered serious – life altering – injuries. -
Using a number of around 50,000 bucks on average for treatment over10 years, treating the additional post scamdemic injuries for 70 million Americans comes to 35 trillion bucks over the next ten years for the US alone.
Better pray for some curative treatment protocols pretty dam fast!
A few days ago, I posted this article giving a comparison of a pre-pandemic Trump budget compared to resident Biden’s latest budget:
Here are a few key tables.
First Trump’s pre-scamdemic budget:
And here’s the resident’s current pre-2024 POTUS election budget:
I also point put the massive leap in national debt in the last 5 years of the scamdemic period. Using data from here
Financial Report of the United States Government - Management (
US federal debt on 30 September 2019 was 22.7 trillion. It now stands at 34.7 trillion.
For the 2024 fiscal year, receipts (taxes) up 1.5 trillion (+43%) spending up 2.6 trillion (+59%).
The slippery slope to fiscal ruin when the government is run by morons with crayons and colouring books.
An increase of 12 trillion dollars in around four and a half years – 2.7 trillion a year v the previous Trump estimate of less than a trillion. An extra 1.7 trillion a year for four and a half years = 7.65 trillion dollars and is one way to measure the cost of the scamdemic perpetrated by the Democratic Party to prevent Americans from being better off.
What could that extra 7-8 trillion bucks have been spent on? Law and order, border security, higher quality education and health care, looking after veterans, not surrendering to the Taliban in Afghanistan, not provoking a Russian invasion of Ukraine? Maybe subsidizing import substitution projects? How about not importing billions of bucks’ worth of oil from Russia via China, Saudi Arabia and India?
Ask yourself how much lower your taxes would be – how much more money you wild have in your pocket – had the scamdemic not have been perpetrated that resulted in an extra 2 million American dead and around 50 million wounded – and rising.
How much could have been spent on improving infrastructure like airports, highways, equipment for schools, bridges and so on and so forth. As it is, what do we have to show for it – a sicker population, rising crime rates and ten million criminal migrant and corruption off the charts from the “relief funds” from the pandemic that came with 10% siphoned off by the same criminals that vote illegally – funny that – criminal voter rolls and criminal elections and rising crime. Who would have thunk it?
Other than that – DOUBLE O, TRIPLE O, EFF ALL, BLANK
Enough of that – regular readers know that I consider taxation to be theft and the Democratic Party seeking to bankrupt the US and turn it into some version of “Chinese socialism”.
Let’s look a little deeper into one of the corollaries of the scamdemic – health spending.
We can compare a pre=scamdemic National Health Expenditure “fact sheet” with a more recent one:
From here:
CMS Office of the Actuary Releases 2019 National Health Expenditures | CMS
" Total national healthcare spending in 2019 grew 4.6%, which was similar to the 4.7% growth in 2018 and the average annual growth since 2016 of 4.5%, according to a study conducted by the Office of the Actuary at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and published today ahead of print by Health Affairs.”
“The growth in total national healthcare expenditures in 2019 reached $3.8 trillion, or $11,582 per person,
And this one from 2022 taken from here:
“NHE grew 4.1% to $4.5 trillion in 2022, or $13,493 per person, and accounted for 17.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Medicare spending grew 5.9% to $944.3 billion in 2022, or 21 percent of total NHE.
Medicaid spending grew 9.6% to $805.7 billion in 2022, or 18 percent of total NHE.
Private health insurance spending grew 5.9% to $1,289.8 billion in 2022, or 29 percent of total NHE.”
So, total spending on the national health increase by 700 billion bucks a year in the three years between 2019 and 2022 – for an increase in spending per person of over 16%.
Inquiring minds want to know both those “price” impacts and also VOLUME of patients “treated” and “cured” during lockdowns, but that would really be getting into the weeds!
Medicare is for around 66 million Americans over 65 and disabled. Medicaid has enrolled 84 million Americans who qualify for free or low-cost health care based on income and family size.
Which brings us to the meat – NET \ZERO 2030/
From here:
“According to the Trustees, the Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance trust fund will be insolvent in eight years, with a 75-year shortfall of 0.62 to 1.46 percent of payroll. Medicare spending as a whole, including Parts A, B, D, and Medicare Advantage, will continue to grow significantly over the coming decades.”
Eight years before Part A Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will be insolvent.
Now think again about the increase in fiscal deficits from spending on useless climate change policies that cause energy poverty from higher utility costs and food prices.
How about properly funding Medicare, rather than letting it go bankrupt?
There’s more.
“Medicare’s Financial Outlook Has Improved Since Last Year. The Trustees project the insolvency date will be delayed relative to last year’s estimate of 2028 and future Medicare costs will be lower. The improvements are largely the result of lower-than-expected costs in 2022, higher expected revenue, and Medicare Part D savings from the Inflation Reduction Act.”
The cynic in me says that although there has been a delay in the date of bankruptcy from 2028 to 2039/1 – this is an illusion and the harms from the experimental C19 mRNA injections of spike venom – plus contaminants and alterations – will not only return the bankruptcy date to 2028, but will accelerate it to 2027.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a database that compared the pricing of all operations across both US State borders AND international borders – together with success rates of operations and treatments?
That might even be something that a World Health Organization could do – instead of inflicting a “one size fits all” Disease X response, regardless of an individual’s personal circumstances, right?7
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Another issue I have yet to hear mentioned is that some of us were enrolled in HMO, which means that our healthcare was prepaid. Yet we were denied health care for at least a year. Are we not entitled to get our money back from the institutions that we paid that refused to deliver us health care????? Is that not Breech of Contract?
All these programs need to be shuttered and pushed back to the states.