
Covid-19 is a mortality hoax. It could not be more dangerous than the flu (on average, seasons 2010-2020) but it is conditioned and fulfilling all the conditions is not very probable, so Covid-19 more probably caused directly itself about half the amount of deaths the flu gives yearly in the U.S.


The authorship is made inscrutable.

Some medicals like it (even if do not understand), others do not like but when asked to point precisely what they do not like they cannot do it, they have only opinions and opinions are of very little importance.

Covid-19 hoax is proven even in two ways.

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Oh boy, hate to break the news here but serve and protect ..... Police serve and protect politicians and are their muscle. Taking care if us is a sideline at best

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Dr Alexander has just written about this excess death database. stats.oecd.org I do think it odd that this data is just coming to light.

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The "feds" are behind this whole thing. Why would they investigate themselves?

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