Of course, we know the reason – experimental C19 injections that failed clinical trials and were proven unsafe in post authorization reports – they screwed up so badly that tens of millions of people died and billions have been injured, with at least half of those injured suffering a minimum of severe, life altering, damage and a significant proportion (5% so far?) suffering serious, life threatening, damage.
ZOG is stronger and more powerful than the Catholic Church, in all study of human history nothing has out-lasted the 'church', even in war all real-estate investments are lost;
But in ZOG Rothschild Bankers, they have rule the earth, and never lost a moment of sleep since 12AD, ashkeNAZI khazarians, only win, and never lose;
Pardon me Peter but there was NO failure here. The C19 injections are functioning exactly as expected. A biological weapon that was released with the intent of mass depopulation. Take a look around, it's working perfectly fine ...
Excellent, that is the reason ,as soon as they admit deaths and injury,they then have to admit failure and then the courts .Actually they do have to held accountable , publicly and in court.
The abject lack of empathy from the Progressive for the deaths even within their political group is telling enough that this entire SCHEME is both diabolical and well planned out to do what we now see...death and disability at all age groups...and even worse is jab related infertility and bad fetal development. This was planned well in advance...you could not have had so many people in place to protect the true wickedness and evil so obvious to us all...and the open desire to see more of this human destruction with the jab shows the real villains s will
....the true villains will never see a prison cell or lose one cent from their payoffs. The cancer and metastasis within our Govt is on display for all to see....and only thru a complete purge of such will return the world to sanity.
Doctors, aka modern medicine created by ROCKEFELLER post 1913, they AMA created the license and dictated the terms of belonging to the club, fail to play, and you are destroyed.
Rockefeller is a Rothschild agent, from 1950's China, where as a kid he sold 'whale-oil' in Shanghai and ended up owning the worlds oil under Rothschild and later 'modern medicine', first thing their boy MAO did in 1949 was ban TCM 'traditional chinese medicine' and mandate Rockefellers OIL-Based-Med just like USA post 1920s
ZOG is stronger and more powerful than the Catholic Church, in all study of human history nothing has out-lasted the 'church', even in war all real-estate investments are lost;
But in ZOG Rothschild Bankers, they have rule the earth, and never lost a moment of sleep since 12AD, ashkeNAZI khazarians, only win, and never lose;
Thanks PH. Blind? Hardly! Bit like asking them to bring their own rope for the hangings.
Pardon me Peter but there was NO failure here. The C19 injections are functioning exactly as expected. A biological weapon that was released with the intent of mass depopulation. Take a look around, it's working perfectly fine ...
No Failure only winning as always, they always win the goyim always lose
mRNA the bio-weapon that just keeps giving
As Thonas says, the total empathy for anyone suffering was incredible--of course the policy makers did not suffer.
Excellent, that is the reason ,as soon as they admit deaths and injury,they then have to admit failure and then the courts .Actually they do have to held accountable , publicly and in court.
The last 3 years of seem like a episode of the "Twilight Zone"
The abject lack of empathy from the Progressive for the deaths even within their political group is telling enough that this entire SCHEME is both diabolical and well planned out to do what we now see...death and disability at all age groups...and even worse is jab related infertility and bad fetal development. This was planned well in advance...you could not have had so many people in place to protect the true wickedness and evil so obvious to us all...and the open desire to see more of this human destruction with the jab shows the real villains s will
....the true villains will never see a prison cell or lose one cent from their payoffs. The cancer and metastasis within our Govt is on display for all to see....and only thru a complete purge of such will return the world to sanity.
Doctors Are Obedient By Nature.
Therein Lies The Problem.
Doctors, aka modern medicine created by ROCKEFELLER post 1913, they AMA created the license and dictated the terms of belonging to the club, fail to play, and you are destroyed.
Rockefeller is a Rothschild agent, from 1950's China, where as a kid he sold 'whale-oil' in Shanghai and ended up owning the worlds oil under Rothschild and later 'modern medicine', first thing their boy MAO did in 1949 was ban TCM 'traditional chinese medicine' and mandate Rockefellers OIL-Based-Med just like USA post 1920s