There are times when Kamala “knee pad” Harris tells the truth – when she copies and pastes the work of others and pretends it’s her own
From here:
Plagiarism Hunter Uncovers Dozens of Lifted Passages in Harris Book (
Referencing this tweet:
“… the most concerning examples of plagiarism are the ones where Harris appears to have taken directly from Wikipedia, without even citing the source. In one section discussing a New York court program, Harris allegedly copied long passages from the online encyclopaedia without proper attribution. This raises questions about the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in the book.”
“… Harris also reportedly lifted a description of a crime-ridden neighborhood in West Palm Beach from a Bureau of Justice Assistance report on community court programs. These various instances of plagiarism, according to Rufo, are comparable in severity to those found in former Harvard president Claudine Gay’s doctoral thesis.”
Some people can’t lie straight in bed! I wonder how much of what she has ever done has been original and how much has been written for her. She strikes me as not having an original thought in her head and is simply a megaphone for those pulling her strings.
The internet is a wonderful place for accessing information, but credit where credit is due. I cite sources wherever possible and put my “spin” on them. With Harris it is “debit where debit is due” and she is way overdrawn at the bank of ideas and credibility!
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Demons have no originality.
Small potatoes in the realm of lies by Kamalala.