Small potatoes in the realm of lies by Kamalala.

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Hello Peter,

Kamala "knee pad" Harris? Tut Tut I say! And several more Tut's for good measure.

It just goes to prove that "In America, Anyone can be President!"

I think it is a near-certainty that the Dems will try to Steal the Election, as they clearly did in 2020.

Like 2020, the Dems are not running a credible candidate. “Plagiarism and other tongue-twisters.”

Let's hope the Trump team is not caught flat-footed, as they were in 2020.

”The Last American Election?”

Best regards, Allan

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Does Kamala even know if she is a Bactrian or a Dromedary? I suppose it depends on who her audience is.

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Demons have no originality.

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Perfectly put. Subscribed, and thanks.

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