I think it is time for everyone to stop shaving. All men and some ladies will then be unrecognisable!

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I think some countries have banned beards for that reason!

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of course national socialism was meant to benefit the indigenous people which the UK govt is not interested in... internationalism is more like communism or globalism and wants to breakdown races and indigenous groups by moving large groups of people together to create conflict making it easier to control through chaos.... possibly even blending groups together and removing culture making it easier to create a salve class without and roots of unity.

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I think you are correct! Ultimately, they want people with no identity in their heritage or national culture. They want a homogeneous group who only knows what the TV and national leaders tell them. Very "1984"! The Muslims think they're separate and can't be influenced.

Right now, most governments are focused on their native populations who do not want to be replaced and who are now getting very angry as imported groups are treated with favoritism. Once those groups are subdued, they will be coming for the far Left extremists like Antifa and all imported populations who will denounce their Islam, remove their hair coverings, and become one with the Borg.

They will disavow Islam. They'll be easy. The military showed long ago that they have a vaccination which can divorce people from their religious beliefs. They will aerosolize vaccinations over those populations. The populations will be fed whatever party line the government wants through their mosques whose clergy will be easily subverted. So, they stand to the side now wishing ill on the native populations, but they fail to recognize that they're next.

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tks for post

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you are most welcome!

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