
Dear Covid Vaccinated,

In The Next Life

You Want To Pay Better Attention.


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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I ended up with tinnitus after my third jab in Nov 2021 after the Pfizer jab. I had other signs at the time of injury but they were short lived. I suppose I have to be thankful as I didn’t get a blood clot or had a heart attack.😊

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Did you complete a Yellow Card? Many people who have adverse events haven't. I know several people with non life threatening problems, from falls, blackouts, gastro, tremors, asthma who haven't. Also more life impacting diabetes. My hairdresser told me of her previously fit and healthy granddaughter, aged 17, being ill for weeks, losing weight, fatigued, ended up in hospital shortly after her jabs, now Type 1 Diabetic, injections and careful food/drink monitoring for rest of her life! Another, older Type 2, hospitalised 5 weeks with out of control sugars now requiring injections as well as tablets. Rapid dementia in ex f-i-l too and many now complaining about their memories.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I did not at the time, but I did give it a go several months later and found quite difficult to do it.

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In a sane world you would be compensated for your injury. Did you get test positive AFTER your shots?

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I didn’t check. My wife and my first 2 vaccines were AZ. My wife had a major reaction to her first one, profuse vomiting within hours and potentially serious issues with her eyes which could have led to a detached retina in one eye. We were 66 at the time and in good health. Earlier this year I went to Dr. Clare Craig’s book launch. I have been following her on twitter since she joined. I first met her at the vaccine injured meeting in the early spring. She was familiar with my name as I regularly sent her messages of support via Twitter messaging. It was quite an emotional meeting. At her book launch there were several people from the Hart group, one being a consultant NHS audiologist. When I told what happened she was in no doubt my problems were a result of the vaccine. I also met Prof Norman Fenton and had a long chat with him. Although twitter can be a toxic place i am thankful it was available. I do fear for the future of freedom of speech.

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Well done for tsking an active role. I hope things go well for you and your wife. That AZ is awful, worse than the others.

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