Much has been written about antigenic sin – also known as antigenic imprinting, the Hoskins effect, or immunological imprinting. It occurs when the immune system is unable to use its memory when a different version of a pathogen turns up. The immune system responds with a reaction to the first pathogen and is less able to effectively respond to the next.
Here is my analogy of antigenic sin.
A poisonous snake turns up in a kids playground. A trap is designed which catches that snake but another three or four types of poisonous snake with varying degrees of aggression and toxicity appear in the playground, but these snakes are ignored.
Now for the “iatrogenic” part.
“Iatrogenic” is defined as an outcome resulting from the activity of a health care provider or institution; said of any adverse condition in a patient resulting from treatment by a physician, nurse, or allied health professional.
This would apply to the use of Remdesivir, Midazolam+morphine, respirators, withholding of antibiotics, solitary confinement, deprivation of food and water in a medical setting and so on and so forth. Almost all the deaths in 2020, ascribed to C19 disease were due to these factors – NOT C19.
Prior to the C19 “pandemic”, there were around 20 billion dollars of claims settled on around 80,000 people – an average of around $250,000 per settled claim. The accuracy of this data is suspect and likely to be far higher than that reported. There is a “gag order” on ever discussing any settlement.
In other words, whatever went wrong is secret. In most fields the maxim “quality costs” refers to making mistakes and learning from them. The ban on dissemination of information about accidents and errors in a medical setting prohibits learning from them.
This represent even more evidence of “wrong think”. It is bass ackwards to suppress information on safety and effectiveness whilst allowing harms to persist.
Should all antigenic effects of the C19 mRNA injections be classified as iatrogenic? Of course! Will they? Hell no, criminals rarely if ever prosecute themselves.
Back to preC19 iatrogenic numbers.
A key point from the reference articles below is that there is no ability to designate cause of death. Errors and accidents may have caused heart attacks or adverse drug reactions or infections, but these cannot be supplied to any data collection repository and so go unremarked.
This John Hopkins article refers to (incredibly) stale data from decades prior.
It has this table:
It also has this 17 minute interview with Dr Makary.
I show these articles that refer to the same stale studies.
Shocking Medical Malpractice Statistics for 2021 | Raynes Lawn
A commentary on the John Hopkins numbers.
Inadvertent Medical Deaths in U.S.A. ( which has this table:
Note the costs of 280 billion bucks compared to the 20 billion dollar estimate of settled claims.
And this piece:
Iatrogenic Deaths - Who Do You Trust (
Iatrogenic deaths were estimated at 255,000 in 2015. If you delve into each piece you will see the “grey area” and also claims that iatrogenic deaths are probably close to one million a year.
Lastly this commentary:
“As shown by Starfield's research, side effects from drugs, taken as prescribed, account for the vast majority of iatrogenic deaths. Research9 published in 2013 estimated that preventable hospital errors kill 210,000 Americans each year — a figure that is very close to the latest statistics.
However, when they included deaths related to diagnostic errors, errors of omission, and failure to follow guidelines, the number skyrocketed to 440,000 preventable hospital deaths each year. This too hints at the true enormity of the problem.”
For context, here is a table from a previous article, posted on 4 October 2022
Causes of death for 2020 and 2021 compared to 2019 (
There were around an additional 1 million deaths over 2020 and 2021 – an excess mortality of more than 10% per annum. The vast bulk of this excess was misrepresented as C19. At least 90% of 2020 C19 deaths belong in other categories.
Note that in the 12 months to April 2021, deaths from drug overdoses exceeded 100,000 a year and are not on this list of leading causes of death – 75% of these were opioid deaths. Many more people sought an escape from their personal space or a buzz to live in it.
So, to cut the article off before it gets too long, here are some key issues.
1. Why isn’t iatrogenic death on the list of leading causes of death?
2. Why aren’t drug overdoses on the list of leading causes of death?
3. Imagine where VAERS death data would appear on this table if it was adjusted for an under-reporting factor of 40 (average of 325,000 deaths a year over 2021 and 2022).
4. How many lives have been and will be lost because errors and mistakes are not publicly available for others to learn from and avoid serial offenders on the medical industry?
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Absolutely, so the medical-industrial complex, including the entire AMA, have become the single biggest threat to human health. And that of course is what Ivan Illich saw already in the seventies with his book Medical Nemesis: the expropriation of health.
Along with iatrogenic error I would like to add iatrogenic treatments. How many cancer diagnosed healthy folks have been sickened, weakened, and killed by the chemotherapy poisoning and radiation treatments? They don’t consider these errors. Kind of like leeches applied to heal George Washington back in the day. Only worse. Doctor is like, “I say you have a disease, so drink this poison and maybe it will make disease go away before the poisoning kills you. But if you die, it was definitely from the disease, not all this poison we made you drink.” Next.