The first signs of the invention of a deadly, “gain of function”, virus emerged in the Ukraine in 2015. In early January 2016, a question was asked in the European Parliament here, with this context:
“According to an online publication and other information, at least 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and 200 are still hospitalised after the accidental leak of the ‘California flu’ virus from an American laboratory near Kharkov in eastern Ukraine.”
The story was buried and links to the source have been disabled.
Over the many years, here are some questions (amongst many others), none of which will ever be answered because of “National Security” implications:
· After Obama’s ban on research into “gain of function” research in the US, did the Pentagon shift such research offshore, especially to Ukraine?
· Who in the Pentagon authorized the set-up of labs in Ukraine, apparently directly disobeying order from successive (C-in-C) POTUS’ to a) expand into Ukraine and b) establish bio-research labs in Ukraine?
· Did the Pentagon enlist Fauci to provide cover via the NIH/NIAID/USAID agencies? How many of the 26 US bio-research labs located in Ukraine were engaged in research for “gain of function” and other deadly pathogens?
· How many such labs are operating elsewhere in the world?
· Were EcoHealth Alliance and MetaBiota acting as contractors for the Pentagon and DARPA?
· The Biden grift family was especially active in Ukraine and has connections to EcoHealth Alliance.
Would I be shocked to discover that the Bidens flew the virus from Ukraine to China on Air Force 2 and sold it to the Chinese Communist Party who took it to the Wuhan Lab (built by the French and financed by the US)? No. The Biden grift family has been converting tax dollars to personal profits for decades.
A virus, later labelled SARS-COV2, was circulating in northern Italy in the summer of 2019 and probably across Europe. Maybe it was transmitted via migrating Chinese workers from Wuhan to Italy, maybe the opposite happened, and the Chinese workers became infected in Italy. Who knsws. The point is that the virus (probably diagnosed as bronchial pneumonia) was circulating at least dix months BEFORE the Wuhan outbreak and maybe 8 months BEFORE the WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE) on 30 January 2020.
2020 Response
On 13 March 2020, POTUS Trump declared a “State of Emergency” enabling relied under the Stafford Act” and a co-ordinated response via FEMA.
Who runs the country during a State of Emergency? Why was it extended to February 2023 (with six months notice of termination required)?
We are all familiar with the disproportionate response with non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI’s) from masking, social distancing and lockdowns. We all know that these responses were known to be useless BEFORE they were rolled out. We can all see the impact had on the economy, on elections, on the social fabric of entire countries that employed such measures. It was disastrous.
We know that democracies gave up their sovereignty and freedoms to a medical dictatorship that whilst dealing with a potential species ending pandemic, employed tried and failed UPI’s. We also know that by May 2020, there was not the slightest possibility that there was in fact, a threat to humanity. Heroes and villains emerged within the medical fraternity – those that remained at their posts and did the best to help those suffering, and those that turned their backs and stayed as far away as possible from the “infected”.
The CDC actively promoted fear, loathing and panic by labelling anyone “diagnosed” via a useless Drosten RT-PCR test that (withdrawn from Emergency Use Authorisation) could only, maybe, detect the presence of gene sequences and not the infectiousness or otherwise of anyone tested. We moved into the “pandemic of testing”. And detect only at extraordinary amplification cycles of 35-40, when it was known IN ADVANCE that any cycles over 24 produced “false” results.
The test was used to justify “asymptomatic” spread, in the face of decades of research proving that this was not possible. Any healthy person without symptoms was falsely labelled as a “spreader” – large gatherings were classified as “super-spreader” events, except of course, BLM and AntiFa riots during the 2020 election year.
News reports of “cases” using the false test and “deaths with C19 present” grabbed the headlines every day. However, these were not C19 deaths and although avoidable care home deaths amongst the elderly were noteworthy, recent research shows that deaths across the country were NOT C19 deaths. They were falsely diagnosed using the RT-PCR test and (way beyond the obvious mis-categorization of motorbike accidents and gunshot wounds classified as “deaths with C19 present”) the deaths were largely DUE TO WITHHOLDING OF MEDICAL TREATMENT (antibiotics) amongst the poor and the weak – with unremarkable severity amongst the elderly.
This lack of extra severity amongst the elderly implies that the accepted dogma of injecting the elderly first, is not supported by facts.
Combining the false diagnosis using RT-PCR testing during 2020 and the impact of treatment neglect implies that THE MAJORITY OF DEATHS CLASSIFIED AS C19 RELATED in 2020 WERE, IN FACT, DUE TO OTHER CAUSES – especially lockdowns - and the psychological impact of the fear/loathing/panic instilled in the medical fraternity by the FDA/CDC/WHO.
The actual number of C19 deaths were comparable to a bad ‘flu season. Ninety-five per cent of deaths with C19 present were due to other, largely preventable, causes.
Proven Ivermectin protocols for prophylaxis and early to mid-stage disease cure were side-lined, disparaged and discredited with a massive propaganda campaign globally. So was all stage cures using hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azitfhromycin treatment protocols. Not because it did not work, or because it was a cheap generic easily available to all AND AN ANTIVIRAL/ANTIBIOTIC – but because an expensive, failed, mRNA experimental treatment could be rolled out.
Other leading causes of death were the treatment protocols using 24x7 isolation, Remdesivir and respirators that were psychologically and medically doomed to be pathways to death.
In May 2020, Pfizer, Moderna and others began clinical trials of mRNA and viral vector treatments. All other treatments were side-lined. The Chinese sent over details of the toxic spike protein. Big pharms in the west immediately thought it would be smart to develop a delivery mechanism to inject it into every arm. Not work out how to sterilize/kill the spike protein – inject instructions to create the spike protein in the body – not prevent entrance to the lungs – inject it into the body.
This seems to me as a lay person, to be the equivalent of injecting snake venom, or instructions to create snake venom in the body, in case you get bitten by (one kind of) snake. Anti-venom = anti-spike? No solution yet. Check out this 30-minute video from August 2021 for a jaw dropping account of the hubris employed (it also has much more on sequencing and the calibration of the RT-PCR test).
Note the Chinese have the technology to develop mRNA injections and chose not to. I wonder why.
Now we come more key questions.
Who authorized the rush to experimental mRNA technology in April/May 2020 rather than effective IVM and HCQ protocols -proven to work by May 2020 - that would have obliterated the outbreak by August 2020?
Did DARPA supply the mRNA technology to “sub-contractors” – Pfizer and Moderna – and pre-determine the roll-out of the “vaccines” regardless of clinical trials and FDA/CDC approvals under the State of Emergency? Certainly, the military are the only organization that could oversee the logistics of a nationwide roll-out of injections. But did they have the mRNA technology as well?
Anyway, the clinical trials were completed. The Phase 3 Pfizer clinical trials produced “Level 1 Evidence of Harm”. They failed, utterly. The trials were fraudulently conducted as whistle blowers have attested.
The trials had just one end point. Not the prevention of infection or transmission, or the prevention of hospitalization and death. The only end-point was “reduction of symptomatic disease” – like the very scary cytokine storm. They failed at this as well. The results of the clinical trials indicated the damage that was to come.
Previous articles have shown the likely damage caused by the injections of POISON. More than 13 billion doses of the poison have been administered to around 5.5 billion of the world’s 8 billion population (around 2.4 doses each) These injections targeted the extinct original virus. Billions of unused doses lie sitting in freezers awaiting disposal, either because they have past their “use by” dates, or because of lack of demand. New bivalent booster doses are being treated with scant regard by people around the world because, although the battle to prevent the poisoning of 5.5 billion people has been irredeemably lost, the war to prevent the use of all mRNA technologies until they are improved to actually be “safe and effective” is on-going.
Every time a new formulation of mRNA technology is rolled out, a new “variant” will emerge that laughs in the face of the new formulation. The technology is inadequate and, indeed, FORCES new variants, as indeed did the clinical trials FORCE variants over the back end of 2020 AND the roll-out of injections CAUSE variants in 2021 and 2022.
By the way, indications from Europe are that viral vector injections are even more harmful than mRNA injections, though there is precious little information and injections developed in India and China that compare the efficacy or lethality of their injections.
A similar war on “climate change” is being fought. The objective of clean energy is undeniable – the current state of technology capable of delivering such a solution simply does not yet exist. Measures to force the pace using existing deficient technology can only result In poverty, deprivation and disease.
2023 and the future “Pandemic of the Vaccinated”
We are now in the position where the “vaccinated” pose the same existential threat to the human species as was feared during the panic of early 2020. The damage caused by the injections will only grow as increasing severity turns invisible harms to morbidities and conditions and ultimately massive “life years lost” to the human race. There are many articles emerging that detail loss of fertility in men and women. There are articles emerging that detail “shedding” of spike proteins by the ”vaxxed”.
It is ironic that the very measures that the C19 lockdown Nazis wanted to impose on the “deniers” are the very measures that should be imposed on those injected with mRNA poison. Those injected should be confined to house arrest, denied access to society and told to wait until they turn blue before going to hospital, where they can suffer injections of Remdesivir, be put on ventilators and denied sustenance. Maybe even be put in the quarantine camps that certain governments have built.
A more rational and humane response is to engage a solution to the spike protein poison under “Warp Speed 2” initiative combined with diagnosis of hidden problems and treatment protocols. Maybe Ivermectin is not a cure, maybe the properties that Ivermectin possesses can be enhanced with further research, maybe CRISPr technology and nano-bots (proven able to be excreted) can “search, snip and destroy” spike proteins in the blood and organs. Whatever.
We are in the “pandemic of the vaccinated” and need to move heaven and earth to detox the injected and save the human race from the predators – whether that is the US military, the WEF or the likes of co-dependents in the world’s regulatory organisations, especially the WHO and its main sponsors, the German government and the Gates Foundation.
-That is why the US/State Dept. had to overthrow the legally elected government of Ukraine in 2014.
Songbird McCain was front and center on the overthrow.
-There used to be a poster on Twitter called "Clandestine." He wondered why in the beginning of the war Russia was only targeting certain cities. He discovered those cities had US funded bioweapons labs located there. He was promptly banned from Twitter.
& the shedding factor. I had bleeding in menopause around elderly family members. They needed help after the second shot.
Thanks for such a comprehensive article. I’m so disgusted at the department of defense. Worst crime against humanity ever.