Of course, were I a government plotting something nefarious, I might, just might let out some 'leaked information' that everyone would hear about and be distracted by...and do something else completely.

But that's just me.

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Hey. New Yorkers. You gonna take this $H1T?

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Watching the video now. Could be more entertaining. BUT....it says they already did 'the exercise' in Europe.

Any Europeans seen the zombies yet?

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Oh, thanks for posting this. This IS real. Not sure about the date/time, but I KNOW they've injected MOST people with this particular technology that can be activated to dump it's payload with a simple frequency pulse. I've read the DARPA patents. They have already injected MOST people with this particular technology.

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I am SERIOUSLY considering going backpacking for a couple of weeks. Even with all devices in a metal box, what about the smart meters? We KNOW they use these to emit frequencies. And 18 ghz is within their range of transmission.

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I suspect the real danger is for those folks that took the covid shots.

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Seems the load THEY would be exposed to might affect them swiftly and profoundly. I read that Marburg's can have an "incubation" period anywhere from 2 to 21 days. Seems the vaxxed are more likely to have little to no incubation period before serious symptoms could appear. For those who get heavily shed upon (work, or living with vaxxed) something similar might happen. The rest of us will be affected, but most likely treatable if caught early.

I did read up on cures/treatments for Margurg's and Ebola, and it turns out that the same things that work on Covid (the safe and natural stuff the FDA tried to ban) also works to solve BOTH of these. I'm not sure about the e. coli (shit bacteria) though. I am guessing here, but I suspect we can survive that if our immune system is functioning fairly well and the exposure is not too high.

Anyhoo, make sure you have extra Ivermectin on hand, NAC, citrus bitters, star anise seeds, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin D, Pine needle tea, whatever you have relied upon through covid. It ALSO works on this crap they loaded into the lipid nano tech for later release.

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Sep 26, 2023Edited
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Doesn't matter what you call it, or even what it actually is. What matters is that when you get injected with it, it can kill you. AND it matters that the vaxxed are shedding this crap on US. It also matters that the lipidnanotech particles DO carry a deadly payload that remains dormant UNTIL it's activated (with particular frequency) to dump it into your bloodstream. And it DOES matter that there are safe and extremely effective ways to eliminate/deactivate the POISON (whatever the hell it really is).

We can see that things that are anti-parasitic cause these agents to relent. I have read many of the patents for this technology, and one striking thing I have noticed, is that the self-replication (for these chimeric. biomechanical, polymer-based new "lifeforms") relies heavily upon DNA from PARASITES found in nature. This also explains why anything that effectively kills parasites, (malaria, worms, etc.) stops this crap in it's tracks. It also explains why the FDA tried to ban the use of HCQ, Ivermectin, etc. They do NOT want us reversing what they're doing to us. Obviously, we want to use the NATURAL (and safer) methods of killing parasites, i.e., citrus bitters, star anise seeds, copper, zinc, etc.. plus staying as healthy as we can.

I'm with you on the "terrain theory", i.e., the particles they keep calling "viruses" are harmless in a healthy person. And they've yet to show that these particular particles are actually the CAUSE of any disease. However, there IS this new technology they've created, (polymer-based new lifeforms which KILL people) and it DOES "exist." In fact, it's now become ubiquitous in our population and environment. Just because they're lying about "viruses" doesn't mean we can ignore what they're doing to us with this technology.

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Sep 26, 2023Edited
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While I agree with your logic, (reverse psychology) I must say I have personally witnessed far too many people who were SAVED with these products to ignore the most obvious possible reason for the FDA, CDC, HHS (who are trying to murder us all) to have fought a literal DEATH BATTLE trying to stop us using ANY anti-parasitic drugs. Having personally witnessed people recovering fully and swiftly with these products, I am likely to believe they didn't want us using this stuff because they don't want us to LIVE.

But still, we need to focus on the things we can basically get for free, and that have been shown to be just as effective, i.e., things like citrus bitters (peels and seeds), pine needle tea, etc.. Relying on ANYTHING that comes in a pill is getting very sketchy these days.

Godspeed, Joy

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Sep 26, 2023
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NICE tip! Thank you!!! Seems some days in early October would be a good time to try it out. The meter system is not supplying anything, it's just measuring usage and sending this information out to the power company wirelessly. So it shouldn't interrupt energy supply. Right?

Thanks again for the info.

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Sep 26, 2023
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Optimism is IMPERATIVE in times like this. If we believe there's nothing we can DO about it, (or feel too hopeless to even try) then they have ALREADY conquered us. If we believe we CAN prevail (as the baseline assumption) then we WILL find a way to do so.

Thanks for the good vibes. You are dead on CORRECT!

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If you fry a smart meter does that mean your service goes down? I’m curious because last year hydro came to switch it out at our house and I refused. Stating I was in the middle of a major online file transfer for “work”. Guy left and said they’d contact for a date and time to replace that works for me. Never heard from them again, but also don’t know if they came and made the switch when I wasn’t home. So I think I may just try and fuck with it now to see.

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See my comment above. It shouldn't alter power supply, but would stop the electronics from wirelessly communicating with the power company.

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I have access to cattle prods... so there’s an option.

I just want that snitch component of the meter to go the way of the dinosaurs.

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Same here.

Captain Kirk says: Tasers on stun

Tasers are so cheap these days.

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