Jul 9, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I was teasing!! Love your newsletter. We are on the same side!! Keep at it we need more truthers!! Especially ones that haven’t lost their humor!!

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I resent that term Borged!!!

Gina Borggrebe

I am most definitely anti Biden/Clinton Moloch / WEF elitists/WHO globalists/GOF murderers and I really hate pedophiles and traffickers

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No association with Borggrebe was intended!

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This is all fake showboating by Republicans. It's all they have done for the last year and a half. This will never make it out of the Senate and they know it. Not in a million years. It will probably never clear the House either.

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Oh come on Peter, Trump was just another globalist puppet who obediently played along with;

* lockdowns and stopping flights from China

* subsidizing lockdowns with socialist helicopter money (“Stimmy checks” & PPP loans), made possible by that communist he hired to run the Federal Reserve, Jay Powell

* giving a blank check and license to kill to Big Pharma with his Operation Warp Speed

Stop making excuses for this clown...

* hiring and keeping Antony Fauci.

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Fulgurite, There is no reasoning with the Dumpsters. They will never see what's right in front of them. Substack is also full of operatives that are being paid to sustain these worn out Dumpster narratives.

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Trump was foolish to trust career experts like Fauci and Birx for policy advice and to let Pence run things.

No-one is perfect - he was lied to.

He wanted to give the US HCQ but was over-ruled, he withdrew from the WHO, so hardly a globalist. No wars started on his watch, highest increases in real median household income for decades, energy independence, (stymied) border wall,

So yes he was wrong - and remains wrong on injections, though he did not want them to be mandatory.

I believe he put America first and knows a lot more about how to be POTUS than anyone else.

If RFK jr. pre-announces his cabinet - and their teams of ten to 20 support staff each - maybe he would be better.

As it is, show me anyone else who has the quality, eperie3nce and ability to be POTUS. Evn de Santis would struggle to compete.

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Having read this article one can get a somewhat fuzzy understanding of how our government works. Or I should say doesn't work. it is but the method which the dithering process of delaying true law making. It is said that ones importance in government can be calculated by the amount of paper you generate. If we look at how passing a bill is done ( the short version) and the actual path it takes (long version) it is remarkable that our congress and senate gets anything done. it is all planned out to delay the process. They schedule a meeting to discuss the talks on the structure of the law to be passed. The first meeting that puts it on a colander that allows all interested parties to talk on the attributes of the bill. Within the first talk makes the first changes in format. Allowing for all to contribute and accept the content. The bill is then rewritten and again put on a schedule for approval. pieces are also changed again at this point sending it back for final writings. Now scheduled for approval with a document that is ready for full approval on the floor of congress. this is the time when all "debate" on the bills attributes, offering their opinions to gain the approval or disapproval of the remainder of congress. At this point changes are also introduced as amendments or the pork that will entice (bribe) others to vote for the bill they back. A process that will continue until time for debate is again set aside for other business that may be the congress-man, or woman that is needed in another meeting. so a new date to continue with this meeting is scheduled. I am following only one bill. with hundreds of bills set for debate, how do they get anything done? the answer is they dont. Now we put the legislation that is introduced by other nations. The demands for actions that must first determine if they have the power to do it. do they have authority created by a treaty agreement. Actions that often demand Money from us. Many times the innocent treaty allows powers granted because of the wording of an agreement was ambiguously inserted to allow a foreign government to make demands. Done with the approval of congress and senate for a small agreement that often when looked at closely benefits one or a few representatives. Not unlike the ones done for Hunter biden. If we look closely we can find many of these "agreements" The Klintons are my prime example. Anyone with average reasoning skills should ask how many become millionaires so quickly when they become our representatives. Along with their family. The sources of this money comes from the WHO, and the WEF that receive billions from many countries. money that now purchases the leaders of countries that must follow the rules that are set because of the treaties they signed. leaders that are purchased with the moneys (invested) so that non elected rulers will determine what we can do with the property or rights of our citizens. rights that we as citizens cant fight because our government has sold us out. rights that we haven't the funding because they have the backing of the WHO and the illegal treaties that our presidents signed. We had a president that saw the problems and refused to comply. A president who was removed with illegal means. Removed because he stood in the way of the one world government. a government that is designed to remove our rights. both property and personel. I have watched as I saw our nation go from one where one person, like myself, a dirt poor kid from Detroit with only a high school education can own two businesses and make millions in my lifetime. A nation where people with only the personal efforts can succeed and offer the way for my kids to succeed. Despite my efforts to inform our government and other people about our loss of freedoms found no ear. Proving and documenting the efforts that were done with governments blessing or their planning, found myself ejected and threatened under arrest the many legal things that would happen should I continue to speak up. Even court orders allowing me into the meetings only shut them down when I tried to speak. Watching the events that have removed our rights to vote has shown me that their control has gone past what we had the powers to control. Is there still still time? Even with so many people that is putting out the efforts to change our direction this have failed. They now control our freedom of speech. the fall of the protections of our second amendment isn't far behind. when we loose this and confiscation is accomplished, our nation is lost We have become a nation that has fallen under the control of the new world order. the organization started as a means for nations to band together in times of crisis to solve problems. Now it has become a ruling body that can demand that nations comply with their rules. All done under the guise to protect the people. Start understanding by reading the agenda 21. now updated to 23. Time to stop our minor quibble and start standing as one nation. fail and we shall fall as one nation. Now having more days behind me than lay ahead I no longer have the stamina to provide leadership. I offer advice to whoever will listen. ignore it at you peril.------------- I, Grampa

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Thanks as always for your insightful and valuable perspective.

I believe you are right.

"Silence is consent" is the barrier that has been erected - alongside "process is the punishment" for disagreeing with the false narrative - i.e. propaganda.

We each do what we can and your contribution is important.

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Look at the cosponsors. Unless Dems support, it won't happen. Need 2/3 support.

Karen Bracken made some good comments, including mention of: tncss.substack.com

Feel free to write and support, but know who to talk to and what to say. Time talking to those who already support is time better spent informing those not in support. We must be realists in addition to optimists.

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Absolutely fantastic news... prayers that we succeed and finally do what the majority of the American people want. Get out of the madness of the Globalists & kick the WEF with Klaus & Dr. Harari & “Heinz Ketchup Man” Kerry to the curb. And let’s not forget good ole’ criminal Tedros from the WHO, who never should have been in charge of the WHO wasn’t he put there by the CCP?

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If I recall correctly from RFK j.r's book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health - it was Bill Gates that parachuted Tedros in.

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Don’t fall back into your easy chair. Each of us is warrior every breathing moment. Count on no one but, yourself.

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