How can there be reconcilation without accountability?!
Dr Peter McCullough has a protocol for removing the dangerous spike protein from the bio-vaxxed, but it will only be proven over time. There's not a magic bullet, so to speak. Meanwhile, the bioweapon is still being pushed on people, & the medical industry in lockstep with corrupt gov't is looking for more ways to hobble us. By now, many must realize it's way past time to seek the One who created us. We need God's help to stop this onslaught of evil.
The only way we can "move on" is to witness the perps hanging to death from ropes.
How can there be reconcilation without accountability?!
Dr Peter McCullough has a protocol for removing the dangerous spike protein from the bio-vaxxed, but it will only be proven over time. There's not a magic bullet, so to speak. Meanwhile, the bioweapon is still being pushed on people, & the medical industry in lockstep with corrupt gov't is looking for more ways to hobble us. By now, many must realize it's way past time to seek the One who created us. We need God's help to stop this onslaught of evil.
Thank you, Peter Halligan.
You are welcome, Anna Marie,
The answer to your question about something to can dissolve the clots. Unless it will be able dissolve a rubber ball, the answer is no. See video about what is being found in living humans.