It's really called reconnaissance. Before an assault, you should conduct a thorough assessment of the target for its strengths and vulnerabilities. We have been living through two years of military-like probes, and we aren't showing nearly enough resistance. Nothing is what it appears to be. Not any more. Great Post!

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certainly a hallmark of the success of the vikings across northern europe and russia! (rus = norse for "oar") - pretty sure the infiltration of the roman high command by the likes of alaric proves the point!

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Yes, and the taking of Paris by “Reginherus” in 845. And to your point, it was Romans who opened the gates of Rome to the Chief of the Visagoths. Further to that, Progressive authors now claim the Vikings never sailed the Volga, Danube, and many other eastern European rivers; pretty much through all of Rus. We are asked to believe the Byzantium, Varangian Guard is a myth. BTW, went to see my doctor today. The gatekeepers told me I had to don a mask. I declined. The doctor decided to see me anyway. He said, "There is some evidence that masks work, but only if both people are wearing them." He was wearing a close-fitting N95 respirator while everyone else in the place were wearing the sloppy, Chinese polypropylene diapers. My doctor is captured—entirely.

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did he quack a lot or is he otherwise a good doctor who treats you as an individual or just maps treatment protocols to a computer?

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A quick BTW—When I entered, the receptionist threw a mask face down onto the counter—contaminated with who know's what—and told me a mask was mandatory ... while her mask was dangling from her left ear.

My doctor a much better administrator and businessman than a doctor. During 'COVID', the private practice to which he belongs built a massive new facility adjacent to our local hospital—where he is chief of staff—and then they leased it out to the Regional government to be part of Public Health. The reception desk is like a band shell and the quarter-inch Plexiglass wall is eight feet tall and beautifully fits to every contour of the 40-foot reception desk. The waiting room is about a tennis court and a half, and I was one of three people sitting there. The other two were a couple.

I live in a small town in Ontario, Canada. Tax-wise, we pay through the nose for health care slightly better (maybe) than the average Haitian receives. But there are gobs of money for massive administrative salaries and plenty of blind eyes when it comes to Big Pharma cash transfers and awards. Each Canadian Province has a College of Physicians & Surgeons that determines who practices medicine and who doesn't. The agency is a private enterprise and cannot be influenced by taxpayers. It's mainly a cabal of lawyers with a handful of co-opted MD's for window dressing. On a whim and a shady deal, the body determines what drugs are allowed and which doctors will lose their licenses for treating patients properly (Ivermectin). We are fighting that now. In Canada, CT scans are doled out like precious diamonds and, if you are lucky to have a doctor prescribe an MRI, you will have to travel hundreds of miles and wait nine months to get one. This is social health. As useless and corrupt as any other government entity. We do have some courageous patriots here, but for the most part the average Canadian is now one of these ... (hope it links) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmoo#/media/File:Lifeshmoo.jpg

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I have never seen a Schmoo before!! Your comments on administrative and not medical support are replicated everywhere, whether public or private health

The NHS in the UK, employs only slightly fewer people than the largest health care system in the world, the public/private Brazilian SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde).

I checked out costs per bed a few years ago. More than 5 star hotel rates - the common thread seems to be employ three times the admin staff for good wages, over pay doctors and call them consultants and vastly under pay and under staff nurses.

A co-ordinated country and health service would make extensive use of health tourism to facilitate transfer to under-used resources and create more where waiting lists exist.

https://www.hospitaltimes.co.uk/nhs-waiting-times-rising-25-per-cent-annually/ - good news though! "..month-on-month decline of patients waiting over 18 months for treatment with the sum dropping to just below 51,000, compared to the 51,838 patients in July this year."

Wait til vaxx injuries start to escalate! We will be flying to Maputo and Maseru to beg for treatment!

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Here: http://lil-abner.com/the-shmoo/ You have to be really old, like me. Lots of Canadian medical tourism, too. Used to be to the USA, but now Mexico and Singapore are the choice for those who can afford the fare. A neighbor, here, waited 5 years for hip surgery. He died about six months before his appointment. Don't know the cause but he was about 50 years old. You aren't a customer in Canada, you're a liability—taking up space and draining tax revenue from the elite bank accounts. That attitude spills into corporate retail as well. Nurses here earn a good living with golden retirements, although under staffing is 'pandemic'. Those who did not cave to the voodoo and the injections did pay a huge price, as did those in all Western countries. Yes, vaxx injuries are climbing and the 'anti-vaxxers' are being blamed for the decline in injection take-up. You can't make this up ... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36381188/

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A big deal is being made in UK media about Christianity (as if we didn't know that was coming!) having declined but of course, they don't account for some large campaigns for people to put such things as "freedom" as their religion and Christians who choose not to declare their religion on government documents. Not to mention those who don't fill out the forms at all or put odd things 'for a laugh' to see if statistics show up - I know a Christian who put "Jedi" on his form for all four members of his family! Schwab just declared "Jesus was the original fake news" (imagine if he'd said that about Allah or whatever may be 'equivalent' in other faiths) and everything he wants to do to us couldn't be more diabolical. All British laws / statutes etc originate from Divine Law - as long as that underpins it all, WEF plans have a problem. They're using the census to come after religion - especially Christianity.

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I asked my Mom if she thought they were being a bit nosy. It’s a lot more than just counting people. Add up all the personal questions along with health record, police record, voting, employment, taxes, insurance, credit and you’ve got a window into your life story.

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