The article was rushed I’m assuming by all the typos...... somebody should proof read before posting, a small but important point. And the content makes for a very somber read, all my family and friends took the jab, God help them.

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Thanks for pointing out that there were typos. My apologies. I have made 3 corrections and yes it was rushed and the spell checks in Word and SubStack were overlooked before publishing. (I was a little blurry eyed when I wrote it).

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Somber indeed... horrible would also be a word too... we just got two new papers recently published saying that jabbed up folks are losing their immune systems and now we have news of astronomical rates of life ending heart damage? Throw in the off the carts cancer rates and neurological diseases and we have a real problem on our hands. I think we (Pure Bloods) have a front row seat to a mass extinction event. I hope I am wrong.

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I hope so too.

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Fantastic info, and ammunition in the continuing struggle to keep purebloods, pure. However, I must admit, I find the zombie hordes of jabbed, somnambulist people to be a very direct threat to our freedom, health, employment and way of life. Even my own sister, who took 2 jabs and 2 boosters to "travel." I want her dead. Gone. Nature hates weakness. These people were already guilty of supreme gullibility, now they are immuno-compromised, even further mentally addled. They, and their spike proteins, disgust me.

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We now have the Pure Bloods and The Vax. The Vax are genetically altered and some might call them a human sub-species now. And yes neurological changes are indeed making them different. Specifically with the loss of higher brain functions and maybe their ability to love. This video explains all of this very well and is shocking. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEp62UaWXB0x/

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Interesting from the video you linked to. Thank you for the link.

The capillary damage to the brain & heart.

There you have the mechanism of the myocarditis & the pericarditis.

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Yes - nothing mysterious about it. The more you know the less optimistic you will become about the future of the vaccinated. I believe that only a few will survive to live normal live spans. I hope I am wrong.

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